Y’all might have read my article on my experience with Beauty and the Beast when I was little, but I also grew up watching other popular Disney movies like Cinderella, Mulan, and Aladdin. These three movies and other Disney classics present a set of moral standards that can be easily absorbed by kids. Whether you were a "Disney kid" or not, check out this list of ten lessons that can be learned from Disney movies.
- Sacrifice and be strong for those you love (Mulan).
(Source: fanpop.com)
- Always be kind and loving, even to those who treat you the opposite, and once you have an opportunity to remove yourself from that toxic situation, you will do it with grace. (Cinderella).
(Source:fan pop.com)
- Take the time to see others on a deep level, and try to understand why they are who they are (Belle from Beauty and the Beast).
(Source: fanpop.com)
- Don’t judge someone based on their status (Jasmine and Aladdin from Aladdin).
(Source: howardashman.com)
- Don’t be afraid to be adventurous (Alice from Alice in Wonderland).
(Source: aliceinwonderland.wikia.com)
- Always look out for your family and friends(Wendy from Peter Pan).
- Help a friend in need (Marlin from Finding Nemo).
- Believe in your greatest potential (Beauty and the Beast).
(Source: movie pilot.com)
- Dare to fight back against those who constrict you (Rapunzel from Tangled).
- And from the mouse himself: Try your best to bring joy to others (Mickey).