Ten Lessons I Have Learned In My Twenty-One Years Of Life | The Odyssey Online
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Ten Lessons I Have Learned In My Twenty-One Years Of Life

Here are the little lessons that I have learned on my roller coaster ride of life.

Ten Lessons I Have Learned In My Twenty-One Years Of Life

The end of 2016 is approaching, and with that I have been really reflecting on not only the past year, but my journey in life thus far. My fourth year of college is slowly coming to a close, and I have really discovered who I am as a person. By following the lessons I have outlined below, I have turned my life into an enjoyable roller coaster of a ride. Because let's face it, we have one life to live so we mind as well make the best of it. Whether it be school, friends, work, boys, I feel like I have found the guidelines that have allowed me to conquer it all.

1. Always remain calm, cool, and collected.

At the moment I am balancing two jobs as well as school. There are times throughout this period where I have had a borderline mental breakdown and I would constantly dwell on the stress of the situation. With only twenty four hours in a day, life will seem impossible at times and that's okay. Keep your head high and know that you will get through this. You will conquer those finals, papers, and whatever else life may be throwing your way.

2. Start every morning with gratitude exercises.

One of my close friends informed me of gratitude practices last summer, and it has completely changed my life. There has definitely been times in my life where I feel like the ground beneath me is crumbling, so I started every morning reassuring myself of all the positive things in my life and valuing them for their entirety. I always value my home, my friends, my job, and the privilege to obtain an education.

3. Surround yourself with with the right people.

I started my collegiate career in the wrong crowd of people, and it seemed as if I didn't have genuine, caring relationships with any of my surrounding peers. Now, after immersing my time and effort into the right friendships, I have developed a support group that would have my back no matter what. Knowing that you aren't conquering this journey alone is the most reassuring feeling you will ever have.

4. Value your friendships.

With that being said, really make sure you appreciate your friendships. The more respect and appreciation you put in any relationship, whether it be romantic, friendly, professional, the more you will benefit from having that person in your life. Be empathetic and supportive, give what you want to receive. Do not become petty, selfish, and greedy. Love one another, and you will have more enjoyment out of life.

5. You don't need a significant other in your life to be happy.

After being in a long, serious relationship and a few short lived ones, I've learned my true happiness comes from myself. Whether that be being confident in my own skin, the lasting memories I have made with my friends, I have never depended on someone else to make me content with my life. Sure, society pressures us to find our "soulmate" (which also is a load of garbage) and rushes us to get married and have children, but with evolution is that even the norm these days? There is so much to gain out of life than to be tied down at an early age. Enjoy it.

6. Whatever your major may be, don't let anyone tell you it is a "joke major".

Being an aspiring author and journalist, I have had countless peers tell me that my aspiration and my major (communications) to be a joke, pointless even, and this offends me so much. No matter what your passion is, your opportunities are endless. Six months ago, I never saw myself being an Editor in Chief for the Odyssey, and I only see myself growing from here. Never give up at whatever you love to do.

7. Never rush anything

This is so broad, but so accurate. Whether it may be a stressful week of homework, a test, a relationship, a task at work — value and appreciate this time because before you know it, we will be thirty, forty years old and we won't be able to get this time back. Even the bad times, think, "What am I gaining from this time? What am I learning from this experience?" and really apply it to your life.

8. Don't dwell in the past.

This is actually something I am extremely guilty of, and I feel almost hypocritical writing this. There will be time periods in your life filled with extreme happiness, where everything seems to be going perfectly and you never want them to end. When they do, it's almost like the world is ending and you just constantly dwell on the memories. Realize that your life in your twenties is meant to be a roller coaster, and this too shall past. We have the rest of our lives and what a prime time to experience that the best things are only yet to come.

9. Find your outlet.

For me, a vigorous workout always releases endorphins as well as anything I'm bottling up inside my mind. For some people it may be reading, running, cooking, whatever it be find your outlet and whenever you are stress, unhappy, or depressed, practice that activity to lighten your mood. Have that go to activity when you just feel like everything is going south, that one thing will always turn it around.

10. Enjoy yourself.

Don't get caught up in the small stuff. Don't "would have, could have, should have" any aspect of your life. Live in the now, take in your surroundings, and learn how to turn every experience you encounter into a positive one. Immerse yourself in times that you truly feel enjoyment. Even when you don't, never create a time period in your life that you look back and regret.

With that, I hope that my life lessons impacted your life in some way. I'll admit, your twenties are the biggest change and evolution stage in one's life, and it's definitely been one heck of a ride. I am excited for the new year that is coming up, and I am ready to learn even more about myself and life in general.

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