Whether it was the best four years of your life or you despised every minute of it, everyone went to high school and it taught me some valuable life lessons.
- Friends- Primarily in high school I learned that your friends are going to come and go and 9/10 times your middle school friends will not be your high school friends. I learned that not every friend or person in general you lose is a loss, people change and they'll come and go and that's okay. Your going to be more successful having one best friend who loves and supports you in arguably the most dramatic time of your life than having ten friends who won't care if you left.
- Grades- Grades may seem like they are the most important thing in the world, but they are not. Failing one algebra test doesn't mean your going to be a failure in life. Learn from everything, study harder next time. In all honesty though don't miss out on some of the best years of your life because you think ur history exam is your whole life, because it's not.
- People- High school showed me both the good and bad in people. I found out that people will try and bring you down and back stab you so hard you think you are never gunna make it out of there. On the other hand, it also taught me that good friends and just good people are so important to surround yourself with. You have the choice in life who you have in your circle so choose really good people who are loyal and supportive.
- Relationships- High school showed me not every daring relationship matters. Maybe you fall in love but you can fall out of love too, everything that falls eventually hits the ground right? So the sad truth is not every relationship lasts forever and sometimes that's okay. It also showed me what it's like to really care for people and let every relationship serve as a lesson.
- School- This article has only been on life lessons but believe it or not things you learn in high school class are important for your future. Look while your drooling in math class you could be actually missing out on something super important. So next time your drowning the teachers monotone voice out with your rap music, maybe you should pay attention for a change.
- Different- it's honestly okay to be different than other people. If while everyone else is wearing high waisted shorts and you are still rocking boot cut jeans embrace it! Why would you want to fit in with the crowd? Embrace your differences rather than becoming some over trendy clone! Don't conform to what's cool just be yourself and love who you are.
- Priorities- Get your priorities straight. That one party may look fun, but is your geometry test more important? Or vice versa. Learn to prioritize family and friends and people who prioritize you because you don't wanna look back and regret missing your moms 45th birthday, or the homecoming football game for an essay that's like 2% of your grade.
- Popularity- it doesn't matter if you are the high school quarterback of your itty bitty local high school, and every girl worships you, because in the real world there is no quarter back. Your a big fish in a little pond in high school but once u graduate your just a big fish in a big pond and no one cares what your varsity cheer captains name was.
- Choices- High school gives you a lot of choices that can make or break you. Peer pressure, social media are all factors that can affect your decision making. Taking ten shots doesn't make you cool, there is a drinking age for a reason. And neither does "roasting" that funny looking kid on Twitter. Choose to be nice to people, choose to be a good person, choose to make it the best four years of your life.
- It ends- Every good or bad thing comes to an end and as does high school. One minute your a freshman crying in the bathroom because your boyfriend dumped you, and the next your packing your bags to go off to some state and move into your new apartment. It will go by so fast so make it a good four years.