So, it is that time of year again; time for making goals or basing one's full year off of one word. Whether you have ever made a New Year resolution or not, goal-setting is always a healthy way to stay on track and evaluate your life. Setting a goal may be daunting, but I am here to make it slightly less taxing. Here are 10 important, but doable ideas for New Year resolutions that could really make this year your year.
1. Forgive yourself.
Many of us carry regrets and baggage all throughout our lives. Make this the year that you release yourself of those regrets, expectations, and anger. Read my article on forgiving yourself to see an inside look on what that process feels like. Watch this TedTalk with Brene Brown on vulnerability, courage, authenticity, and shame. This goal is intentionally number one because your regrets and expectations may be the reason New Year's resolutions have never worked out for you before. Make forgiving yourself your first goal; it may be the step needed to release yourself to accomplish the other goals.
2. Prepare more homemade meals.
This is an important and plausible goal that can really impact your health positively. You will want to be more specific with how many meals per week will be homemade so that you can track your progress. You may also want to clarify homemade, otherwise you will find yourself making "homemade" Easy Mac and hot dogs. This can be a fun task to include others on as well. Have one day a week you and some friends make meals together or each bring a dish to pass and have a potluck-style dinner. As a parent, you can even include your children to make less work for you, bonding time with your kids, and a fun way to teach them the importance of nutrition. Check out this website to simply type in any ingredients you have and find recipes including those ingredients.
3. Be single for a year.
Obviously, if you are already married or happily in a relationship, this is not the resolution for you. As for the rest of you, consider taking a break from trying to be one person's everything, and focus on yourself or other important non-romantic relationships. Who knows, you may even find that your special someone was there all along. Read my article on being single and content for more insight and encouragement on this topic.
4. Get your butt in the gym.
This is a typical goal, but always a solid one. Taking good care of your body is important for your future, not just the upcoming year. It may be difficult at first, but once you develop a habit, going to the gym will become more like a hobby than a chore. Stop saying, I will go tomorrow, and just go today. If you only go when you feel like it, you will never go.
Search YouTube for helpful videos with step by step workout routines, such as this one:
Sign up for Zumba and sweat it out while having fun! On this website you can find certified instructors near you.
Join an intramural team or local league playing a sport that you love.
**If you choose this goal, there are two rules that go along with it. #1. Stay consistent. Your goal should not necessarily be "lose X amount of weight" or "increase your max bench weight by X amount", rather, your goal should be to set a routine and stick to it! The results will follow. #2. Look at goal numero dos, "Make more homemade meals". Nutrition is one of the most important aspects of getting fit. Remember: abs are made in the kitchen!
5. Overcome fear.
We all have experienced moments of apprehension, but do not let fear rule your life. Make this year the year that you say, "No more!" to fear and you learn to live freely. Read my article about my own resolution to overcome fear to gain inspiration and direction. This is a big goal, but an important one that can last you for the rest of your life. Fear is being apprehensive of things that are not real, but living as if they are. Why spend your valuable time on earth living in a world that does not exist? According to Publilius Syrus, "the fear of death is more to be dreaded than death itself" (Maxim 511).
6. Value relationships.
We get busy, our calendars fill up, we double book and cancel, and suddenly we have not seen our "best friends" in months. Make it a goal this year to keep your valuable relationships and start new ones. Reach out to those who you have not seen in a while and ask what is going on with their life. Do not stop at "Hi, how are you?" when meeting someone new or passing someone by. Make it a point to ask about their kids, work, spouse, or education. Show people that you care and take the time to talk, because let's be honest with ourselves, the store will still exist 20 minutes later, if you miss your train, another one will come, the weather is not so cold you cannot bear another 5 minutes in it, people generally do not feel bothered when you express genuine care, and you may not recognize it, but maybe that person needs some acknowledgement and encouragement in that moment. Time is the greatest gift one can give, because it is the one thing we cannot reproduce.
7. Read.
Whether you are a slow or fast reader, you can enjoy this goal. Reading is an activity that feeds the mind and soul. Set a goal that fits your lifestyle. Read one book per month or per week. Read a few informational articles per day. Read the newspaper. Read poetry. If this is a goal you have never set, or you are a book worm who just "does not have time to read anymore", this may be the goal for your new year.
8. Pick up a new or an old hobby.
Write a poem or music, play an instrument or sing, garden, sew, knit or crochet, cook, go bowling, pick up photography, play board games, go skiing, go camping, do a puzzle, paint, begin collecting something, go to an auction, go thrift shopping. Whatever you fancy, take some time to indulge in it. Passions and talents are important, they make up who we are and what we do. They are what makes each of us unique. If there is something you have always wanted to do, this is the goal for you. What are you waiting for? No one else can give you the green light to your life.
9. Be grateful.
Why leave thankfulness to only Thanksgiving Day? Write down one thing you are thankful for every day of the year, once New Years Day rolls around again, you will have 365 things to be thankful for. This may also cause you to be a happier person because you will recognize the many blessings you have and it will keep you in an optimistic mindset by having you look for positive things throughout each of your days.
10. Clean up your language.
This is never not a good option. Yes, I used a double negative just to make you look at this one a little harder. Whether you picked up a filthy mouth in high school, college, as an adult, or when you were is always a good time to cut back on those colorful words and learn some self-control. Make yourself a swear jar and pay up each time you swear at inappropriate times or just in general. Use that money to buy yourself a reward at the end of each month, or, if you are a better saver than a spender, wait until the next year to splurge... and while you are spending your reward for the last year's goal, pick one of these other options as your new year's resolution!