Everyone says once you’ve graduated college, you’re pretty much broke. From buying groceries to purchasing those expensive textbooks for class, most college students blow through their money pretty quickly. Some students go out and get a job to help pay for their expenses, but not everyone has the time to do that — especially if this is your freshman year. But fear not overloaded college students, there is a way that will help you reach your financial goals!
1. Make a budget and stick to it
Budgeting is easier said than done, especially when you’re grocery shopping on an empty stomach. When you're hungry, everything in the store looks appetizing. Creating a budget and sticking to it will help you be able to see your spending a little easier. Keeping track of your income and outcome plays a critical role in budgeting.
For the students who have roommates, it is important to sit down with your roommate and discuss your budget. If you are living on your own, get an adult or someone more experienced to help you set up a budget for yourself. For working students, take out a certain amount of each paycheck you receive and put it aside for emergencies, groceries, toiletries, school supplies, etc.
2. Roomies, Roomies, Roomies
Roommates are not only there to help you with homework and everyday things, but they can also help you save money as well. You might realize that your food supply in your dorm or apartment is running low quickly! This might be a good time to sit with your roommate, discuss a grocery list and decide how to split the price. For the girls, roommates are also good for borrowing things such as clothes, shoes, jewelry, etc. When it comes time to hit the town at night or tailgating on game day, you will have double, maybe triple the amount of outfit options! If you’re living alone, look into getting a roommate — maybe even one that wears the same size shirt!
3. Homemade meals over restaurant dishes
If you’re living in a dorm and are on a meal plan with your university, then you’re doing it right. Meal plans are included in your tuition and offers you all the food you want, while living on campus with the swipe of your student ID. If not, no big deal! Get together with some friends and cook something. Decide on something yummy and split the price of the ingredients. If you’re not sure how to cook (like me), hopefully one of your friends knows how. Try to eliminate eating out and off campus. One late night in the McDonald’s drive through and one morning at IHOP every now and then can add up and leave you begging for food.
4. Take advantage for what your campus offers
Most universities offer numerous accommodations to the students like a free gym membership all year, recreational sports and activities and even free social events on or off campus. Participating in what your campus has to offer can give you something to do in your free time without losing money. Even if your campus doesn’t have a sewing club (or whatever you might be into), consider starting your own. So take a walk around your campus and see what there is to do!
5. Carpool
When I think of carpool, I think of waiting for my mom to pick me up from school when I was in third grade. Not cool. Don’t get your mom or dad to drop you off and pick you up at parties or class. Instead, pile in a friend’s car and ride together to the frat party or the game. This way, you're saving your gas which means also saving money. Not to mention, you will never have to worry about showing up alone somewhere.
6. Search for discounts
Many stores and restaurants offer college students discounts. I know for a fact almost all young clothing boutiques offer amazing student discounts in their stores. Going with these magnificent money saving discounts will cut your expenses in half and leave you with more money in your wallet at the end of the day. Next time you go out in your college town, shop around for discounts and you will be much happier when the cashier tells you your total.
7. Rent your textbooks
Any student in college can tell you the outrageous amount of money they fork out each semester for textbooks, it’s insane but also very important. Regardless the price, you need the book for class. Instead of buying a brand new, shiny textbook, rent a used one. It might be a little old and funky looking but it's only for class, you can handle it. After all, wouldn’t you rather nice, new clothes than a nice, new textbook?
8. Make your own coffee
Although coffee shops are convenient and we all know how addictive Starbucks is, if you’re a big coffee-holic, maybe it’s time to consider purchasing your own coffee maker and brewing solo. Use some of your money that you have placed aside to buy a nice coffee maker, a Keurig is highly recommended. Make yourself a hot cup of coffee in the mornings and count all of the money you will be saving.
9. Avoid name brand items
If you’re anything like me, you will always go for the more expensive, name brand items. I quickly realized in college no one cares about name brands, all that matters is saving money. This means having to settle for a not so fancy book bag or whatever it may be. When grocery shopping, try to go with store brand items that tend to be cheaper. Also, look around your college community for places like Dollar General, Dirt Cheap, and Five Below. Places like that, you might be able to find some good quality necessities for a very low price.
10. For goodness sake GO TO CLASS!
This might be the most important thing to keep in mind when trying to save money in college. We all know that good grades and a high GPA can get us scholarships, and scholarships mean more money off your tuition, which also means more money in your pocket. This is probably the easiest way to earn free money. All you have to do is go to class and study hard.
Surviving college financially can be easy if you watch yourself and spend your money wisely. Try a few of these tips and see what works best for you, and don’t be afraid to talk to your academic advisor, which is also free on campus, and discuss more ways you can save money and you could be graduating with little to no debt at all!