As a Teenager, I can understand why trying to understand The Ten Commandments in this current day and age can be unclear and confusing. As many do not know, the Bible was actually originally written in Greek. For many, this leaves those interested in faith and building a relationship with God feel lost in translation. If this sounds like you, I have attempted to decipher The Ten Commandments into common teenager vernacular. In creating this I felt I understood my faith a little better and I hope the same will go for you. This listicle should be taken lightly and is meant as a way for me to attempt to understand my own religious beliefs, and is not in any way meant to deface the Bible.
1. I Am The LORD Thy God...Thou Shalt Have No Other Gods Before Me
Translation: I am God, your friend--your BEST friend, so do not worship any other friends above me.
3. Thou Shalt Not Take The Name Of The LORD In Vain.
Translation: Do not use me to justify rape/racism/homophobia/sexism or any type of hatred.
4. Remember The Sabbath Day, To Keep It Holy.
Translation: Take a break from the rest of the week and hang out with me on sundays.
5. Honour Thy Father And Thy Mother.
Translation: Your parents had to deal with a lot from you when you were little so please always remember that they love you and have your best interest in mind.
7. Thou Shalt Not Commit Adultry
Translation: Getting married means you are agreeing to sleep ONLY with your spouse
9. Thou Shalt Not Bear False Witness Against Thy Neighbor.
Translation: Do not be a snake, basically do not lie to or about anyone or anything. And yeah, God knows when you're lying .
10. Thou Shalt Not Covet Thy Neighbor's Goods.
media.giphy.comTranslation: Do not get overly jealous of other people, even if they have the newest iPhone AND Apple Watch.