Ten Things You Should Know Before Coming To Roanoke College | The Odyssey Online
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Ten Things You Should Know Before Coming To Roanoke College

What every incoming freshman Maroon should know

Ten Things You Should Know Before Coming To Roanoke College
Roanoke College

Two short years ago, I was spending my summer relaxing and preparing for my arrival and matriculation into the Roanoke College community. It seems like this was just a few short months ago, but two years have come and gone, and another class of upcoming freshman are picking classes, roommates, and residence halls in order to get ready for move-in day in August. While the high school-to-college transition went smoothly for me, here are ten important things I wish I knew before coming to Roanoke College.

1). Get to know your roommate

For me, this was the easiest part of moving in, considering my roommate and I met in middle school and were co-captains of our cross country/track team all throughout our senior year of high school. Unfortunately though, I have known too many people who never got to know their roommate too well. Sometimes, one of them is just completely crazy and makes it impossible to spend much time together, (don't be the crazy one). Your roommate is usually your first friend and your go-to person to hang out with, so be sure to get to know them as soon as possible.

2). Spend time with Club Fintel

College is nothing like high school in almost every way imaginable, especially when it comes to your education. Sure, in high school you could study for a test right before its handed to you or start a paper two classes before its due. However, in college, especially at Roanoke, it is of the upmost importance to get serious about your education the day classes begin. It is much easier to do this if you spend some time in the library. Fintel Library is quiet, comfortable, and a great place to study or work on a paper.

3). Swipe out in Cavern on Saturdays

As a freshman, you will have 19 meal swipes a week. While you may think you can easily use all 19 each week, think again. I have yet to meet someone who consistently used all 19 swipes during the week. Therefore, take advantage of swiping out by using your remaining swipes to get awesome things like cookies, chips, granola bars, salads, fruit, and more! It keeps your mini-fridge stocked while you save money on grocery shopping.

4). Take advantage of the INQ curriculum

The Intellectual Inquiry curriculum is so unique in higher education, because Roanoke is the only school to offer anything like this in our core classes. So, take full advantage of the program. Take classes that interest you or that could spark your curiosity about a certain subject. Many people come into college unsure about their intended major, and the INQ program is exactly what motivates and excites students to not only choose a major, but to take general education classes that relate to what you are interested in.

5). Take INQs early and often

You do not want to be a senior who still has to take their basic math class. Always trust the advice of your academic advisor, but if you want my advice, I say take as many INQs as you can during your freshman year. It is exactly what I did, and as a junior, I am one INQ away from completing my requirements.

6). Head for the Kicking Post

It was ranked the 11th Most Tremendous College Tradition by author John Greene for a reason: it works. Located between Trout Hall and the Administration Building, the Kicking Post provides good luck to anyone who simply kicks the three-foot tall cement post.

7). Stay away from the Seal

The Roanoke College Seal rests just in front of the Administration Building on the Front Quad. Steer clear. The seal brings bad luck and misfortune to any student who has yet to graduate, by ensuring they will not graduate in four years...or at all. Of all the Roanoke College traditions, this one is by far the most true. Avoid stepping on the Seal at all costs.

8). Embrace the challenge

Roanoke is an academically rigorous college. Your professors often challenge you and they may push you beyond what you thought your limits were. There is a reason why Roanoke is ranked as one of the hardest schools to get an A in a class. Do not let that scare you or discourage you. Let it challenge you. Rejoice in the fact that you are receiving an education from one of the most academically challenging schools in the United States.

9). Get involved early

Each fall, Student Activities hosts an Activities Fair on the Back Quad. Please go and get involved in at least one student club or organization. It is the best way to meet people, it is the best way to learn about Roanoke, and it is the best way to keep you busy. For me, I got involved in College Republicans and Student Government Association the minute I stepped on campus and through these two organizations, (and a few others), I was able to quickly step into leadership roles and advance myself and my school.

10). Go to CAB's bingo

Bingo at Roanoke College is certainly not your grandma's bingo. It gets intense, it gets nerve-wracking, and it is loads of fun. Twice a semester, the Campus Activities Board hosts bingo in Alumni Gym. They give out thousands of dollars in prizes, with the grand prize usually being something...well...grand. Past prizes include GoPros, a PS4, AppleTVs, and much more. Do not let the stigma of retirement home bingo keep you away from having tons of fun and winning awesome prizes at bingo.

Follow these ten pieces of advice, and your first semester at Roanoke will smoothly sail!

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