Between working two jobs and going to school part-time, I will take any moment of relaxation I can get. There is nothing like sitting down after a long, hard day, or those occasional days where I have nothing going on, indulging in my favorite Netflix show. Here are a few of my favorites for those of you searching for their next obsession.
1. "Grey's Anatomy"
Pretty sure the majority of my readers have seen this series at least a million times, but if you haven't, this will be sure to get you hooked from episode one. It is about a hospital full of prestigious surgeons where science meets romance. Guaranteed after one season full of surgeries, complicated families and relationships, you will be ready to apply to medical school. Shonda Rhimes, the creator, really knows how to keep her viewers second guessing in this intense and often feel-good show. This current season just concluded on TV, so now is the perfect time to watch all of the seasons in time for the next season to start on ABC in the fall! Fair warning: Your emotions, on the other hand, may be destroyed by the time you're finished.
2. "One Tree Hill"
This is another Netflix right-of-passage type of show. It takes place in a small town in North Carolina and follows the lives of two half-brothers with a complicated family dynamic. We watch as they progress from enemies to two caring brothers, all while they carry relationships with three irresistible characters in the show. You will become so attached to the characters as they grow from high school students to adults. This is definitely a must-watch!
3. "Friday Night Lights"
OMG this show is seriously everything! As a girl who loves football, this show is one that I have watched so many times and become so emotionally invested in the characters. This show follows a small Texas town that revolves around high school football. It depicts many issues that many of us face in a contemporary society like race issues, school funding, family morals, drugs, lack of economic opportunities, etc. This is a show that is family-friendly, as everyone gets something out of it. If after watching this show, you don't want to move to a small, close-knit Texas town, then I don't know what's wrong with you.
4. "Prison Break"
If you enjoy intense and strategic shows, this one is for you. A brother commits a crime just so he can go to prison and break his brother (who was wrongfully convicted) out. His brother is on death row, so it is a little more difficult than he expects. He has to become allies with maximum security inmates if the execution of his plan is going to be successful. Getting out was only part of the task, but staying out and proving his brother's innocence is a completely different ballgame. This is one of those shows you finish in two weeks.
5. "The 100"
I recently discovered this show and am absolutely obsessed! It is concluding its third season on The CW, so it won't be difficult to catch up. If you're a Preston Burke fan like I am, from "Grey's Anatomy," then be sure to check this out because Isiah Washington was what drove me to start this series. It is about a group of people who are on what they call "the arc" up in space as Earth can no longer support human life. After being up there for multiple generations, they send 100 young adults down onto Earth to see if it is survivable. This show is a lot like "Lost," so if you enjoyed that, this is a must-see, as well. I finished the two seasons on Netflix in a week if that gives you an idea of how addicting this show is.
6. "American Horror Story"
What makes this show addicting for me is that I usually watch it at night, and sometimes the episodes end on such a terrifying note, I have to continue watching for the fear of going to bed. Each season there is a different setting and the same actors occur in each season. At the beginning of each season, there is so much that happens with what seems like little to no correlation, but as the season progresses, all of the irrelevant events all end up tying together. Just some advice: Don't watch this at night.
7. "The Office"
It takes someone with an awkward sense of humor to enjoy this show. It is laugh-out-loud funny, and it is great as background noise when doing homework. People who love "The Office" are like one big, weird, little family with spitting quotes at each other that normal people probably find to be stupid as hell.
8. "Making A Murderer"
I had friends tell me that the directors of this show should pay me for how much I advertised this. Now, while it is a documentary, it is still one of the best shows I have ever seen. You can definitely finish this in a matter of a few days by how addicting it is. It is about a man who spent an extensive amount of time in prison for a brutal rape he did not commit. He then gets accused of a murder he may have not committed. The show goes to show how police planted evidence to make the man look guilty. It is so intriguing that this show will still have you thinking about it weeks to months after you finish it.
9. "How To Get Away With Murder"
All in all, if the show is written by Shonda Rhimes, watch it! This is another one of those shows with a million different pieces that later come together and solve one big giant puzzle. It is about a prestigious and well-respected lawyer and professor who takes on a huge murder case and enlists several of her students to help her defend the number one suspect who may or may not be a murderer. As they investigate further, it seems to be that someone who is closest to them might just be responsible for the murder.
10. "Gossip Girl"
"Gossip Girls" follows the lives of privileged teenagers on the Upper East Side of New York. If the fashion alone isn't enough reason to watch, then Chuck Bass and Nate Archibald should be. Gossip Girl is the know-all blogger who reveals all of the scandals and heartache that occurs in a prep school's inner circle, which as a result, ensues a great amount of chaos.
Trust me, you won't log out of your Netflix account for weeks to come. Enjoy and happy binge watching!