We all have those people that come into our lives lightning fast. A spark ignites and you're closer than you could've ever imagined. It's only been a week but it feels like forever. You've stayed up till 4 a.m. talking about that time you broke your arm when you were nine to when you cried when your parents got divorced. All the secrets were put on the table, there was nothing left to hide.
Then the spark died. Conversations turned from "What are your life goals?" to "wyd?" Those electric nights of slightly risky decisions just seem irresponsible. The late nights just seem exhausting.
Not everyone you meet will be a friend for life. Situations will arise where it's easy to become friends with someone because of a common thing. It starts off amazing, until you find yourself torn about wasting a Friday night to hang out with them.
Temporary is okay. There's no shame in having someone be your best friend for a couple months because you were in the same club or they lived across the hall from you. They made this part of your life something worth wild. They made this chapter full of beautiful memories. Regardless of how the friendship or relationship turned out, they brought you unconditional happiness for a little awhile.
Isn't that what matters, the memories? "Life is about the journey, not the destination." These temporary people furthered you on your journey, being a pivotal part of your first week at school, the first party, the first football game, the first college birthday, the first time you stayed up until 3am doing homework on a Saturday because you just want to spend time together.
Don't shut these people out forever, but also don't force them to stay. Someone who was good for a moment isn't always good for your life. You'll know the people who are when you meet them. If you haven't yet, I promise you they're out there. For now, live in the moment with the people you have. Forever or temporary, these memories consist of them, and you have to make the most of it.
"People come into your life for a reason, a season or a lifetime."