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Temporary Band Aid

Cover up.

Temporary Band Aid
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I’m going to tell you a story about a girl. This girl was a great friend of mine who grew up in a household that partially loved Jesus and partially loved the world. One side pulled her towards a sincere love for the One who could eternally fill her, The other way of life pulled her toward comfort found in friends, a significant job, and a bottle that promised temporary pleasure. The same desire was there all along from the girl, love but in many means, it was showed to her that it could be sought. and she knew the parents she looked up to sought the same thing as well. This girl grew up watching and seeing the two sides consistently clash and collide in loud booms and bangs and for some reason, no matter how much she wished for both to become one, they didn't. This was the picture constantly watched by the girl.

As she aged, this girl encountered life; things were good one day but horrible the next. She noticed the constant pursuit of love continued -- but this time she observed more than just two seeking it. Now, it was masses and multiple ways of finding it. This girl watched as cute boys gave attention to girls, defining their worth by using their bodies. She watched as the clothes girls wore defined their status for the day. She watched those who fit a specific mold and those who didn’t. She realized that every one of them desired and pursued love. There was so much diversity yet unity that seemed to ooze through every bit. As if the universal voice whispered “love me,” “know me,” and “want me” in a variety of tones. As she grew up she began to understand this universal language came at costs when it wasn’t found readily. She watched as people sold themselves over to anything and everything that would lead one to utter those words. Some were more glamorous like maxed out credit card bills with new clothes or pictures being sent around that everyone gawked at. Others were not as glamorous, like scar marks from blades and skipped meals but the pursuit was the same, for someone to love them. One day randomly in P.E. she sat down and started reflecting on everything. She thought about how everyone including herself was caught up in this whirlwind to feel love but rather than admit it instead all anyone tried to do was cover it up. As she was thinking she noticed something on the ground, a band aid. Simple, small, and sturdy for a time but then it fell off. The injury was still the same under the surface but no one knew how deep or even what it was by looking. All they could see was there was a band aid there so some sort of wound must be present. It connected for the girl. Temporary band-aids, she thought to herself.

This story is a true story about a dear friend of mine. In fact, this story is only the beginning of her finding her way to Jesus. Her name remains anonymous, but in many ways I know I can relate to her and I’m sure so can many of you. In life so much can be observed, so many things are around to fill the void of love that each person longs for. Drugs, alcohol, self-harm, eating disorders, sex, sports, grades etc. are just some examples. Each one acts as a temporary band-aid. It covers the wound, it satisfies for the time but eventually when the band-aid comes off the hurt is still there, maybe slightly more healed than before or maybe deeper but still there. It’s easy to fall into the trap of temporary band-aids in life but friends, my challenge to you is to strive never to settle for these things. As this girl realized, they won’t last. Instead, seek love from what truly lasts and ever so freely gives it. Alongside though, those struggles you once fell into, the band-aids you may have used, once they fall off they no longer are stuck to you. Your journey is one of strength and struggle and that is okay, none of the band-aids you’ve ever had in your life define you fully anymore. That ultimate love responds to the removal of the band-aid by saying, "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” No more band aids needed. Instead, ultimate healing and ultimate love is here.

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