I am not the most organized person. My clothes are always all over my room, and my bed is never made, but somehow, I manage to stay on track and get all of my work done. Here are some things that I do to make sure I don't fall behind.
1. Keep a very organized planner.
My planner is my life. Everything I have to do is in that thing. It is so important to keep it organized so you don't miss an assignment or a club meeting. I never used a planner as much as I have this year, and if I don't have it, I feel lost. Every single class I take it out and put it on the desk, just so I can keep track of when things are due!
2. Set time aside to clean and organize your room.
Every Sunday afternoon, I decide to get my life together and clean up my entire room. I put all of my clothes away that are almost always all over the floor, and even make my bed! This gets me ready for the week and excited to start a new day with a clean room.
3. Make a list.
I have gotten into the habit of making a list every single day! They help you stay on task, and there is nothing better than finishing your check list!
4. Time management.
I was never good at managing my time. I tend to procrastinate, like most full time students. Learning good time management has been hard for me, but it has definitely helped relieve a lot of stress! I make time to get all of my work down, but still have time to hang out with my friends and enjoy my free time.
5. Disconnect for a short time every day.
Could you imagine how much you would accomplish if you turned your phone off for an hour or two? We are constantly on our phones, and they are SUCH a distraction. The time that we spend on our phones could instead be used to organize an plan ahead for the week.
These are only a few of the many things that you can do to stay organized. Since I have done all of these things, I have become less stressed, not as irritable. I have also been able to get more hours of sleep! I'm tellin' ya, this stuff works!
Good luck!