Cats are one of the most joyous creatures on the face of this Earth. From their little bean pads to the twitching whiskers, any time you look at them you're instantly filled with glee.
If you have the thought of adopting one, you might not think twice about the antics that come along with it. These are the untold things that come with your new cat child.
They have different meows
From the "I don't care that it's 3 am, I'm hungry" meow to the "Why aren't you giving me the attention I'm not sure I want"meow, you get to learn them, just like a baby and its different cries.
They will knock over everything
Oh, I'm sorry, this is your favorite glass? It would be a shame if.... something were to happen to it.....
Sometimes they'll want to cuddle. Most of the time, they won't
Or they'll make it seem like they want to cuddle and suddenly they won't nothing to do with you
They can be expensive
Toys, litter, food, vet bills. Cats aren't just something to have. You need to be able to take care of them and all of their needs.
But, they'll find more joy in bottle caps or wrappers than they ever will with the toys you buy them
Save some cash, keep your caps.
Your curtains mean nothing to them
I hope you like that torn look in your curtains, or the bends in the blinds.
There's no such thing as personal space
They aren't afraid to climb right into your lap when you're sitting on the toilet.
They're the best excuse to get out of plans
Wow, I would LOVE to, but i really need to get home and feed my at.
You'll realize that you've never loved something so much
My best friend has four paws.