What does it even mean to be a part of law enforcement nowadays? Does it mean anything anymore?
Police used to be respected. People used to want to be officers of the law. It was an honor. They were admired, they were loved, most importantly people felt safe around them. It's that right there that is the root of the problem: the "old" opinions of police are dead.
It would be one thing if simply the respect of authority had diminished over the years. However, it's become more than that. Officers today feel like they have a target on their back and it's causing an escalation of intensity with the interactions of the public and the police. It's become a down spiral of sorts. As if it wasn't sad enough that people have come to fear the police, the police now fear the people too. And it's no exaggeration to state that fear is definitely one of our biggest enemies.
So what started this all? Where did the fear of police even originate? Many would argue that it was the acts of police brutality that aided this disintegration of trust in law enforcement. Likely one of the touchiest topics in today's world. I cannot claim that police brutality does not exist as that would simply be naive of me. It's unfortunate, but a truth we all need to accept. There are far too many cases of police brutality recorded and witnessed to deny its presence.
Despite this truth, before people pull out their protest signs claiming all police forces are corrupt, I think it's important to understand first how the law enforcement works. Here is something most people don't realize: Officers are trained to essentially "one up" those they are trying to subdue. What does this mean? This means that if the perpetrator is passively resistant, officers are trained to use their words. If they use words to resist, officers use light touch. If they use light touch, officers use force (handcuffing, bringing them to the ground, ect). And most importantly, if the perpetrator uses force or tries to resist arrest, officers are told to begin the use of their weapons.
You can see from this information how scenarios can easily escalate. Not every officer that uses force commits police brutality there is an important distinction. Simple force is sometimes necessary to ensure the safety of themselves and those innocent bystanders in the vicinity. Using force does not make them evil and that is something people often forget.
No matter what you believe, whether you feel police world wide are corrupt or that none are, please explain this to me. How is shooting and killing officers of the law a viable response to the problem?
I am of course referring to the shooting of officers in Dallas, Texas on July 8th, 2016. In this shooting there were 12 officers injured and five officers shot dead on site. That is five families who will now be grieving for the rest of their lives.
I understand the rage. I understand the concern for how police are using their power over the public. Honestly, it's a scary thought just to be told what to do. Yes, there are obvious issues within the practice of law enforcement and yes, I believe changes need to be made.
However, killing officers of the law does not make you a hero. It does not make you a fighter against the wrongs of police brutality. It makes you a murderer. All you are doing is adding to this down spiral that we are in dire need to pull ourselves out of.
The job occupation of a police officer is to ensure safety. Clearly steps need to be taken to rebuild the trust between the law and the public. But please tell me this, how does making a point to kill officers make any progress towards anything?
If anything, people are more scared than they ever were before. They're scared of police presence because who knows where or when this may happen again. If anything, officers are more on edge than they were before. Wearing the uniform has now become so much more than it used to be. If anything, the family members are more worried for their loved ones safety than they were before. If that's even possible to worry more.
And me? I'm disgusted. I'm more disgusted than I ever thought I would be with humanity.
So here's the truth regarding this concept of police brutality and I'm going to be blunt. There are bad people in this world and they are every where. There is nothing you can do about it. Some of them drive the same roads you do. Some of them attended the same colleges you did. Some of them march through protests. Some of them wear uniforms that lie to our faces.
The truth of the matter is that it exists and that it is every ones fault. No individual is to blame. No organization can be put at fault. The public, the police, every one has contributed to the current status of the situation. Humanity is not what it used to be and that is just a fact.
I believe we can get out of this downward spiral. I believe we can reduce this fear that now plagues practically everyone. I truthfully believe that we can restore these parts of society. I won't pretend that I know where to start but one thing is for sure, it is never acceptable to start with death. Whether you share this belief or not, I know there are five families out there that do and my heart goes out to all of them.