Countless times it takes a death to make a person truly appreciate someone important to them. Why is it that our lives are so busy that we don’t take a moment to truly recognize all that we value? Why is it that we always wish we could tell someone gone too soon that we love them, just one last time?
We need to start telling those we love how much we cherish them, before it’s too late. We must stop waiting for something horrible to happen in order to hold those we love a little closer. Each and everyday, all of us have our own little world that takes tending to. We have work, school, deadlines, bills to pay, cars to fix and a laundry list of things to do. All these things, while necessary, distract us from appreciating those who care.
Even strong relationships have rough spots, causing you to go hours, or days without talking to one of the greatest people in your life. However, don’t go to sleep without at least saying goodnight. The future is a gift that no one is guaranteed. So, forgive quickly and love deeply because someone that means everything can be gone in an instant.
Family, parents and siblings are often taken for granted. Tell them you love them; tell them how much they have impacted you as a person. Tell them more often than just during the holidays. Everyone has problems within families, friendships and relationships, but all the good and the bad can be gone in the blink of an eye.
Appreciate those who matter to you, now - not when they’re gone. Live in the moment because you’re not guaranteed tomorrow. Before you know it you can truly lose it all. So, forgive easily, hug often, say “I love you,” and live for today.