Spirituality is significant in individuals lives and amongst their lifestyle, serving as a compound to healing an individual physically, mentally, emotionally, and rationally. For many, the concepts of spirituality rules, shapes and plays a key role in our human consciousness, subconscious and internal awareness resulting in the creation and contribution to the human body, soul, and spirit. In this article, I'll speak on a type of spiritual being, better known as earth angels, crystal children or lightworkers. So you may be wondering what are lightworkers? A lightworker is an individual who sustains the psychic ability to intuitively know what others are thinking, feeling, or need in order to heal. There are various forms of lightworkers that all contribute to society in their own unique ways, a list can be foundhere. In addition to the type of lightworkers, let us dive into the five signs you are a lightworker.
Sign #1: You have a fiery desire to serve others
You have always withheld this strong desire to sever others whether it be through smaller roles or leadership roles. Perhaps you may have recently discovered this internal sensation to serve and you are now completely awakened to the vibration. Whichever may be your reasoning, this desire is in-graded deep your soul and spirit. As a result, you strongly sense that nothing or anyone can get in the way of you pursuing your life's purpose — as you take control and action in your life you begin to develop wholehearted gratitude towards yourself all while positively contributing to a greater change in the world.
Sign #2: You have a multitude of interests, passions and you are VERY creative!
The arts, music, painting, film, drawing, writing, pottery anything creative is right up your ally. You exceed in the arts from a very young age and this creative journey follows you throughout your adulthood. These interest and passions are a significant creative outlet for you spiritually as they serve as a platform for self-expression of the soul and a representation of your individuality.
Sign #3: You have deep compassion and empathy for others
Throughout your entire life or most recently in your awakening, you have deep feelings, emotions, and compassion towards other human beings and in some cases towards animals. You may also find yourself knowing others thoughts alongside absorbing and physically feeling their emotional connection to a situation and in some circumstances.
Sign #4: You have always felt “different” from your peers from a young age and you enjoy your own solitude.
From a very young age, you have always enjoyed your own company. Many individuals would classify you as being shy or perhaps introverted. You often feel misunderstood by others and you strive to seek the truth followed by establishing a strong understanding and connection with people, experiences, and life in general.
Sign #5: Your obsessed with all aspects of personal development and spiritual growth
Your COMPLETELY obsessed, You always read personal development and spiritual books. Spiritual podcasts have become your new favorite, HUNDREDS of YouTube videos (Ted Talks, Victor Oddo, Jake Ducey, and Aaron Doughty). And you may find yourself always google searching personal develop topics based on your soul's state of being, on the spiritual journey.
As you have disciplined and wholeheartedly committed yourself to your own personal and spiritual development their is a part of you that is removing layers of false elements of yourself, displaying your true spiritual being.
If you are still reading this post, and you can resonate with any of the information provided, you are in fact a lightworker. With that being said, I highly encourage you to begin living out your life's true purpose. Show the world who you really are, serve those in need, and live life to its fullest potential. And, oh, I forgot to mention: don't forget to drop a ray of sunshine with a sprinkle of positivity everywhere you go.