Everyone has said it already, but I am going to say it again: the need to feel pretty is getting out of hand. The obsession with supermodels and the number of likes on a selfie needs to go. Women (and men) have impossible standards to live up to, which is creating heartbreaking insecurities. Girls crave the words "you are pretty" and feel empty without someone approving of their appearance.
The truth is, every single woman in this world is stinking beautiful -- and that has nothing to do with her face or her body.
Here are 10 things I would rather hear than "You're pretty."
1. Tell me I'm smart.
I am educated from both school and the world. I know who is running in the presidential election, and I know who I think should win. I am creative, clever, opinionated, and full of ideas. Plus, I can calculate any sales percentage off of a price tag in my head within seconds.
2. Tell me I'm strong.
Being a girl is hard. I will work my butt off and still don't make as much money as my male coworkers, all because of what is lacking from inside my pants. Once a month, my body hates me. More than once a month, I hate my body. Society is telling me 20 different ways to think, look, and behave, and not a single demand adds up.
3. Tell me I'm funny.
My sense of humor is something I take pride in. I will make lame puns like it is nobody's business. Even if my jokes don't always make you fall to the ground with tears streaming down your face, I should always get a sympathy laugh for my constant efforts.
4. Tell me I'm brave.
I am pursuing my dreams. I could've gone the "marry rich or die trying" route. Instead, you will see a degree on my wall and a kick-butt career funding my payroll. It's not easy breaking into the "old boys club" but I won't go down without a fight.
5. Tell me I'm talented.
I definitely know what I am bad at, and I typically avoid that. I also know what I am good at, but I'm not always confident in it. Sometimes there are bad days where something didn't work as well as I wanted. Reminding me that I am great has a greater impact than telling me I look great.
6.Tell me I'm dedicated.
I already know how much time I put into my passions. I know that I will work on a task until I drop or until I know it is the best it could be, whichever comes first. I know how dedicated I am, but sometimes it is frustrating to feel like my hard work goes unnoticed. Acknowledge my dedication; I spend a lot more time on my goals than on my makeup.
7. Tell me I'm weird.
This one is well... weird, but "weird" is a compliment to me. In my mind, it is a less creative way of saying unique, individual, and interesting. I don't want to be a clone of everyone else. I enjoy my quirks because they make me who I am. I may say ridiculous things, make strange faces, or produce odd noises at any given moment. It is all part of the package.
8. Tell me I'm caring.
I care about you and every other person in my life. I will go out of my way to help anyone and I won't ask for anything in return. I care about the earth and the people who inhabit it. Again, I already know this about me, but it is nice for someone else to notice it.
9. Tell me I'm loved.
No one wants to feel alone. Humans crave companionship. There are very few feelings better than loving someone and being loved in return. Whether you are my friend, my family member, or my significant other, you are loved.
10. Tell me I'm independent.
Truthfully, I don't need you to tell me any of the compliments I just listed. I am very capable of doing things on my own and I will not sit around waiting for your approval. That being said, I wouldn't hate it if you did tell me these things. Even the most strong independent don't-need-no-man females could use a little pick me up now and again.
Moral of this story: women are much more than pretty faces. It's time to spend more time focusing on what creates the personality, not the physicality.