You don’t.
We’ve all been in your shoes. Where the most important aspect of your life is your football boyfriend you swear is going to last forever. Where the number of Instagram likes you get says a lot about how popular you are. And where you are so stubborn, you think you know everything about life and what it has to offer. Ha-ha. Teens just think they are all that and a bag of chips.
As the times are changing and social media is growing, for our generation, high schoolers are beginning to act way beyond their years. It’s OK to be immature and stay young. Don’t dress like you’re 25, you’re not exactly fooling anyone, and don’t act like you know all about partying, dating and education. You are not superior to anyone. The ages 13-18 are a nightmare for parents, grandparents, older siblings, etc. who have to deal with your stubbornness, your “rebelling” stage, your smart mouth, and your awful sense of style. And while I am not much older than you, I am wiser, and here to offer you a little insight.
You’re probably rolling your eyes reading this. And I’m not surprised.
That boy isn’t even important. You’re so blindsided now, but he will basically tell you anything to get your pants off. The ugly truth. And if you’re like most high school girls, you will do it because it’s the time to experiment and fall “in love.” You will have much greater loves, but high school might be where you meet your first one. Guys suck at that age, and they don’t get that much better, but you’re both going to go your separate ways come college - save yourself the heartache now, and save the puppy-love gifts you used to exchange, it’s great to look back on and keep.
Your parents know more than you think. They aren’t outdated, take their advice and ditch your crappy friends; their opinions always prevail. Stop being such an ass to them, too. While you’re getting older, as are they, so stop taking their support and love for granted. Just shut up for a minute while they talk because you might hear something worth listening to. They have been there, and they probably partied even harder than you ever will. They do want the best for you, so quit tweeting "THEY'RE RUINING MY LIFE!" Melodramatic, much?
School is supposed to be fun. You’re not lame for dressing up for Homecoming Week and getting involved, you will miss those days the most. Don’t stress so much about getting perfect grades, because high school is so mediocre compared to college. But also, don’t slack off if you want to get into a good university. Don't wash away your high school years by saying how much you want to leave. You'll miss it – stop lying to yourself.
Your friends are important. But, not important enough that you should change who you are. Don’t surround yourself with people who make you feel peer pressured; their image is going to reflect on you, too. Don’t lose them in the midst of a relationship, and keep in contact with the ones that matter. You will meet new ones in college and soon become everything people never thought you had the capability to become later down the road.
Partying is the most overrated aspect of high school. None of you know how to handle alcohol, and you’re not even close to being the legal age of consuming it. Taking pictures with your red solo cups is not impressing anyone. To be completely honest, people are laughing at you. You’ll have four years of college to party, so spare the puking and embarrassment at sketchy house parties while you can.
Never choose a college based on where your best friend/significant other is going. EVER. You need to pick somewhere YOU will fit in and if that just so happens to be the same place, that's awesome! But you need to look at the big picture and know what is best for your future.
Always keep in mind your teenage years don’t define you. The reality is, you won’t be the same person you were in high school. A lot of aspects of your life are going to change, mainly your interests and your look. I know right now crop tops and booty shorts rock your world, or you might get picked on because your peers are brats, but the head cheerleader could turn out to be the ugliest loser in the world, and the nerdy kid is going to be the richest and definitely the most successful. Be kind to your peers.
Never engage in social media fights. Or actual fights for that matter. It gives you a poor image, and you’re stooping down to these losers level. You’re going to graduate and want to go back and make all new social media accounts because of this; try to be the mature one in these situations and clean up your social platforms. Fighting also isn't worth not being able to go to prom or walk at graduation. No matter how much you hate that person.
Always be responsible, especially when driving. “For every mile driven, teens between the ages of 16 and 19 are four times as likely to be involved in a car crash.” You’ll experience numerous deaths or injuries of your peers because of stupid, avoidable, mistakes behind the wheel. (I hope you don’t, but that is the reality.) It’s not a joke. And if there’s one thing you need to take out of this, it is that it could be you. Remember to always wear your seatbelt, don’t text and drive, and don’t speed. You're not invincible, and trying to impress people in your car is the most dangerous thing you can do. Also the most ignorant, and until you experience it, you won’t understand the significance it has on your life.
Never send nude photos out to someone who you believe will "never do anything with them." LIES. LIES. LIES. Sadly. I don't mean to sound like your mother, but this is a very important issue. A concept called 'revenge porn' is circulating and can literally ruin your life. People can anonymously submit nude photos to Internet sites and link them to your social media profiles and work information. Your life will be put on blast, and you need to be informed. If you send scandalous photos out and you are over 18, you're responsible for anything that happens to bite you in the butt. If you are sending nudes and under the age of 18, and someone is in the possession of the photos – they better get rid of them, because that is child pornography and no one is protected for possessing such photos under the First Amendment. (Thank you, law class).
Always stay true to who you are and be yourself.
Despite most of what I said, it is OK to act your age – just be smart about it. Take a second just to stop trash talking people, look up from your phone, and appreciate better things in life than being the coolest person in your grade.
None of it matters.