Anxiety And The Younger Generations | The Odyssey Online
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The Incessant Dominance Of Anxiety

Feelings of immense stress and anxiety have been playing pivotal roles in molding people's lives throughout much of history.

The Incessant Dominance Of Anxiety
Austin Davison

A fundamental misconception lies deeply implanted in the obstinate minds of people, who are perhaps best defined by a single world: geriatric. Often, these members of older generations, plagued by inevitable physical (and perhaps mental) infirmities, occupy their time by clinging onto the nostalgic shadows of their past. Despite the prevalence of happiness and other positive emotions that characterize the memories of the elderly, the early portions of their life were thoroughly embedded in a world that seemed to be on the brink of utter devastation. Many of these people that espouse this, yet to be identified misconception, survived in a time plagued by what seemed to be perpetual conflict and turmoil on a global scale. Just as old age now cohesively binds these people together, so to did the panging, ceaseless feelings of trepidation and anxiety serve as unifying forces during that era of profound uncertainty. Undoubtedly, such immense paranoia and constant stress were not unwarranted or unjustified. In the past, the daily struggles of life were perhaps infinitely more difficult than those faced in the present. Even considering the severity of global events and the psychological effects these events manufactured, one often struggled also to procure the necessities vital to satisfy physiological needs.

Thus, members of these generations often possess a grimace of anger, whenever one of the younger members of society expresses their internal feelings of dread and anxiety outwardly. In their misconstrued perception, they believe that our luxury spoils us and do not fully comprehend the harsh realities of life prevalent in the past. Therefore, our feelings that we have are unsubstantiated by the facts of our own lives. In summation, in their minds, we have nothing to worry about, nothing to justify the unshakeable feeling that we have.

True, the needs and wants of the younger generations are perhaps more thoroughly fulfilled than previous generations. We possess a particular clarity and certainty that was lacking in the past. However, despite the clamoring of the elder population, young people are susceptible to feelings of anxiety. In fact, many of today's youth deal with a tremendous amount of stress. Yet, it is a futile endeavor to try to determine what exactly is the source of such anxiety. A possible explanation could be the massive amount of choices and possibilities that we face in this rapidly evolving world. Another could be the tremendous pressure to succeed and more precisely excel, which is driven by both external and internal forces. There is an infinite number of answers that attempt to address the problem, which is the incredible stress predominant in the young people of today.

But rather than proposing possible answers to an impossible problem, a simplest observation can often lead to the greater source of understanding.

Anxiety has always played a pivotal role in the lives of humans. However, given the evolution of psychology and society in general, discussing mental health is more acceptable than it has been. Thus, there is a more significant exposure to the topics of stress and anxiety. If stress and anxiety have been a constant fixture in virtually every humans' lives, then today's youth are merely substituting that source of stress and anxiety for something else. We no longer worry about the essentials, about simply living day to day. Like every other living thing, we must adapt to the circumstances of our environment. Thus, we utilize our stress and focus it on the necessary things pertinent to the society of the present. We face an overwhelming number of choices that lead to equally vast waves of stress.

Often, it isn't polite to attempt to correct one's elders, and in most cases, this would be true. Yet, it may be necessary in this case. It is important to acknowledge that the lives of the average young American are immensely better than the hardships of the past. We have to ponder entirely new situations that truthfully are somewhat trivial considering what others had to soldier through. However, the truth remains absolute. Stress is an immutable quality. It is inevitable. It is something that in some way or another chisel out the very essence of our daily lives and it is something that will never deviate in its significance.
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