Nowadays, love and romance aren't things that teenagers take seriously. They don't see the importance of love and tend to throw it around like it is a piece of gum, chewed up and spit out. Most girls are more interested in makeup or who is the hottest guy while boys are interested in video games or cars. Aside from the stereotypical teenagers, there are millennials that do value love. Many of us millennials understand the gift that is love, but we don't value it like we should. For myself, I thought love wasn't real until he came along. After being together for over a year, he has been with me through every bump in the road or every high point in my life. Before him, I only ever knew possessive and unreal love; being the teenager I am, I thought it was true love. After every heartbreak, I was broken on the inside, but on November 23, 2015, I agreed to go out on a date with the man I want to be my forever. He repaired my heart and soul when I thought I was broken forever. I am forever thankful for my teenage romance because it brought me the person I love most. Teenage romance is always underrated and overlooked, but it is something that is truly amazing and wonderful. Everyone deserves to feel the amazing love that comes with a teenage romance.
RelationshipsJan 10, 2017
Love Is Love, No Matter The Age Or Time Period: A Story Of Romance
Everyone deserves an amazing teenage romance.