TV shows and movies tend make it seem like there's something wrong with you if you don't fall in love as a teenager. In particular, lately I've been jealous of the passionate relationships on "Riverdale." How do characters years younger than me have such an easier time finding love? Maybe it's all the drama in the town that brings them together, but still...
Everyone wants that "teenage dream" relationship that Katy Perry sings about when they're 16. Many of us try to force relationships that aren't right so that we can have a false sense of that kind of love.
There's a multitude of reasons why someone wouldn't be in love as a teenager. So let's go through them, shall we?
One, is that you're someone who has always put an emphasis on being a good friend and taking your platonic relationships seriously. If this is the case, I think that's really admirable and more people should be like you. Also, you'll find your person when you least expect it.
Second, is that you have high standards. And you should, because you don't deserve anything less. I'd encourage you to give people chances, but listen to your gut.
Third, is that you don't know yourself yet. I'd have to say, without a doubt, that this described me to a T in high school. I kept to myself, not really sharing much with others. If this is you, chances are college will help you a lot in this regard.
These are the three basic reasons I can think of for those of us wondering why we haven't been in love or had a fulfilling relationship yet. I wish I could say, "I know you'll find your person someday." But alas, making empty promises or positive spins isn't my style.
The bottom line: "You attract the right things when you have a sense of who you are." -Amy Poehler.