9 Memorable Moments From The ‘Teen Wolf’ Final Season Premiere | The Odyssey Online
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9 Memorable Moments From The ‘Teen Wolf’ Final Season Premiere

Remember Stiles...

9 Memorable Moments From The ‘Teen Wolf’ Final Season Premiere

Five wild, funny, scary, heartbreaking seasons later, and we are being forced to say goodbye to the amazing TV show, "Teen Wolf," as it begins it's sixth and final season. Instead of denial or overwhelming sadness, try to focus on the upside: we've gotten to enjoy five seasons thus far, and we still have one more left. Plus, if the premiere is any indication of what this season will be like, it will be epic. I've chosen nine of my favorite moments from the premiere that either made me laugh, cry, or "awww" because of the sweet sentimentality.

1. Liam: “I can be the alpha”

Oh, Liam Dunbar, you crazy adorable little werewolf, you. Amongst the intensity and drama of the episode, Liam added a brief spot of light and humor as he said to Hayden, super convincingly, that he could take Scott’s place as the alpha once Scott graduates. Mason backing him up was equally as adorable. We believe in you, bud!

2. Stiles and Scott skipping class (or at least trying to)

I’m not condoning skipping class, but Scott and Stiles dashing out of Beacon Hills High with their backpacks and determined expressions felt like old times. (As did them getting caught, this time by Lydia's mom.) They’re a duo that I will always adore. But I’ve got one question: What sentimental thing was Stiles going to say to Scott before he was forgotten!? How he is the best friend a guy could ask for? How he will always be there for him, even after they graduate? How he is his brother? (Like in that sweet, wonderful season 3 scene outside of the motel.) I need to know! But sadly, I never will since Scott doesn’t know who Stiles his anymore. (Did anyone else feel their heart shatter upon reading that?)

3. Scott “gently persuading” the driver to pull over

Classic Stiles attempting to get himself and Scott out of trouble with his dad by saying Scott “gently persuaded” the driver to pull over. I don’t know about you, but my persuasive tactics don’t generally involve jumping on a moving vehicle’s hood and snarling at the driver with red eyes and werewolf claws. Throwback to season one when Stiles’ dad found them sniffing around the woods and Stiles created his own definition of lying.

4. Malia’s school pictures

Malia smiling uncomfortably for her school pictures, accompanied by Stiles incessantly interrupting the process, was pure gold. I think we’ve all experienced the awkwardness of posing for the yearbook, so it hit home. Add in some Stiles to the mix and the scene doubles in its amusement. Gotta love Stiles!

5. The Ghost Riders

The nogitsune has always been my top choice for villain out of every season of “Teen Wolf,” but I have to hand it to the Ghost Riders; they are uber freaky. The idea of erasing people from existence is intriguing and is certainly getting me psyched for this season. (Although I wish they could’ve erased someone other than Stiles.) “Those who see the wild hunt beware, for you are already lost.”—the fact that you can’t see them unless you are next is terrifying, but awesome—terrifyingly awesome.

6. Stiles “kissing” Lydia

Even after Lydia told him not to, Stiles kissed her...on the cheek. Sorry if you wanted more than that, but I thought the innocent gesture was cuter than baby penguins and kittens combined.

7. The Stiles and Lydia heart to heart

Okay, whether you ship Stydia or not, you can’t tell me that you didn’t feel a wave of emotion when watching Stiles and Lydia talk in his Jeep before he got taken—a massive, soul-crushing wave. As he reminisced about their younger years, crushing on Lydia, I couldn’t help but imagine silly, sarcastic Stiles with his adorable buzz-cut trying to get Lydia’s attention in Season One. I’ll admit, I was tearing up when they said they saved each other, and was showered in goosebumps when Stiles told Lydia that he loved her. Think about how far they’ve come.

8. The hunky science teacher

Another one of the few dashes of comedy sprinkled into the premiere was the handsome science teacher. Witnessing Liam and Mason watch their partners go all googly eyed for the teacher was hilarious.

9. The forgetting of Stiles

This is the most major plot point of the premiere, the horrific incident that propels the action for the rest of the final season. It’s no secret that Stiles is my favorite character on “Teen Wolf,” so watching all of his friends (especially Scott) forget him was torturous. The worst part of was him hugging his dad, only to realize that his dad had already forgotten him, just like everyone else. “Why don’t you tell me your name” is not usually a noxious combination of words, but when coming out of Sheriff Stilinski’s mouth, and to his once beloved son, that combination was like a sharp knife to the heart. Dylan O’Brien’s fantastic acting only heightened the immense devastation of Sheriff Stilinski’s words. Walking along a path of burning hot coals would have been preferable. However, I did appreciate the allusions throughout the episode, building up to Stiles getting erased: The empty picture form, the lacrosse jersey incident, etc.

After watching this premiere, I could not be more excited about this season. Bring on the Ghost Riders, the pack fighting back, and most of all, bring on the rescuing of Stiles, because if anyone deserves to be remembered, it's our favorite 147 pound pile of pale skin and fragile bones.

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