Teddy Bear Hamsters hold a special place in a human's heart because they are easy to love. They are easy to maintain and make outstanding pets for a variety of reasons. Hamsters are so much more than fluffy little creatures who eat all day, they will love you unconditionally and form a special bond with you, just like a cat or dog would.
1. They are independent.
With having an insanely busy college schedule, hamsters pretty much do their own thing. They do not demand intensive amounts of attention like dogs or other animals do, which makes it easier to go about your day. Since they're nocturnal, they will be asleep most of the day anyway and will be ready to greet you when you come home in the late afternoon.
2. They are small.
Teddy Bear hamsters are larger than other types, but they still fit snuggly into the palm of your hand. They come in a variety of colors and sizes.
3. They are inexpensive.

If you are just starting out with a hamster the necessary supplies. Including the hamster totals to an estimated $100. This is cheap compared to a dog or a cat. Their bedding ideally needs to be changed once a week. A package of bedding for a hamster usually lasts three to four changes. Their food and water will last quite a while, as long as you are changing it out consistently to keep them healthy.
4. They are great therapy animals.
A lot of people have different types of clinical anxiety and depression, myself included. Teddy Bear hamsters provide emotional support for people with anxiety simply by being held. There is a calmness that radiates from these little guys that become contagious. When anxiety is at an all-time high, it helps to gently stroke their soft fur, and see their minuscule paws grip onto your fingers. They are also a great distraction from whatever might be stressing you out. When you are watching a hamster, or playing with him, it is easy to set those problems aside.
5. They are easy to maintain.

Since these hamsters are so independent, they are naturally wired to know where to place their food, how to burrow and where their water is. They also know how to groom themselves so there is no need to give them a bath or brush their hair. They also can eat a variety of human food, just make sure to check a list of what they can and cannot have before giving it to them. Remember that their stomachs are small too, so it best to only give them small quantities of food at a time.
6. They are entertaining.
When hamsters are awake, they are constantly running around because they have a natural instinct to be hyper. You can watch them shove an insane amount of food in their puffy cheeks, run on their wheel for hours on end, or burrow in their cage. They are always up to something. It is ideal to purchase a plastic exercise ball for them to run in as well so that they can explore your territory outside of the cage.