The movie, "Extremely Wicked, Shockingly Evil, and Vile" starring Lily Collins and Zac Efron premiered earlier this year on January 26, at the Sundance Film Festival. The movie itself tells the story of America's most notorious serial killer, Ted Bundy, through the perspective of his girlfriend, Elizabeth Kloepfer, from the crimes, to the trial, and finally the incarceration.
Bundy, who committed over 30+ homicides in seven states over the course of four years, is portrayed by Zac Efron. Both the casting and the trailer have recently received a serious amount of backlash across social media. The trailer is criticized for the way in which it depicts not only the storyline but also its' depiction of Bundy himself. Critics of the movie claim that the trailer glorifies Bundy. People have even gone as far as comparing the trailer to a superhero movie. While these arguments are valid and have credibility behind them, it's important to take into consideration how Bundy was seen as a person before his arrest.
Many people have described him as a charismatic, smooth-talking and attractive individual. It was this charm that made his supporters believe that he was the last person that could commit these heinous crimes.
The casting of everyone's teen crush, Zac Efron, is actually perfect for this movie, as it depicts just how charming Bundy was, and shows that a psychopath could actually be the last person you expect it to be. The movie depicts Ted Bundy as a charismatic, all-American, "good guy" because that is what he was seen as by his peers, someone that nobody suspected. And while the trailer could be seen as "romanticizing" the serial killer in some way, it is not the intention of the directors or cast. Many members of the production crew, as well as the stars, have responded to critics of the production defending the movie by explaining the way in which they are portraying the story. It is also important to remember that the story is being told from the point of view of Bundy's girlfriend who never really believed he was guilty of the crimes, and because of this Bundy would be portrayed as a different person than he actually was.
The movie currently does not have a release date but was picked up by Netflix for $9 million. If you're like me and are obsessed with true crime, Netflix has tons of shows available, including their newest release of "Conversations with a Killer: the Ted Bundy Tapes."