Technology today shapes our entire world. Whether it is making plans with friends or finding out the latest news, almost all of our daily life involves technology in one way or the other. Technology has so many overwhelming benefits, but also has a few downfalls. Here are a few positives/ negatives regarding technology today.
1. Technology is our main form of communication with others, outside of speaking in person.
Upside: We are quickly able to speak to people, make plans, and catch up solely from the comfort of our own home. Speaking to people no longer has to be face-to-face communication, making it so much easier to get in contact with people.
Downside: Our society is losing its' face-to-face communication and people skills. Texting and messaging being a main form of communication is slowly causing people to lose their ability to properly communicate with others.
2. Technology can be a huge distraction.
Upside: Technology is a huge entertainment source. It is almost engrained in our daily routine that when we are bored or have free time, a vast majority of our society spends our time refreshing Snapchat, checking the latest news, seeing people's newest Instagrams, and overall catching up on social media. Most of the time, going on our phones can help us relax, unwind, and be thoroughly entertained.
Downside: We are beginning to become distanced from the outside world. Our society as a whole is so attached to our computers and cell phones, that we are starting to not look around at what's actually going on in the outside world. Technology can be a huge distraction, and take up a huge part of someone's time. The next time you find yourself getting too caught up on Snapchat, put your phone down and go for a walk outside. You never know what you have been missing when your eyes have been glued to your phone! Not to mention, many daily car accidents are caused by technology use.
3. Technology can save a lot of time.
Upside: Today, we are fortunate enough to have so many resources on our phones that cause us to save a good amount of time. We are able to book restaurant reservations, order food, and order items, conveniently all at the swipe of a finger. Outside of our phones, items such as the Amazon Alexa allows us to shut off the lights, check the weather, and order items to our homes solely by telling the Alexa to do so. It even has gone as far as self-driving cars. Technology, despite how lazy or impractical some people may believe it is, can save us a lot of time.
4. Privacy is becoming less and less secure.
Downside: With so many social media accounts, profiles, and online shopping and activity, our privacy is become less secure. There is even a whole show designated to the dangers of online catfishing! In one way or another, almost all of our information can be found through technology if we are not careful and aware. Hackers do exist, and pose a great threat to our privacy and security. Our society must be knowledgeable about how much of our own personal information actually is stored through technology and can be accessible.