We all use it in our daily lives: computers, TVs, cellphones. In this day and age, it is acceptable to use our cell phones all the time. Some people use their cell phones while waiting in the line at the grocery store or to prevent themselves from an awkward situation or to make it look like they are not a loner or even to guide them to the nearest McDonald’s! Technology is used pretty much everyday, but should we allow it to take over lives? Don’t get me wrong; I love using my iPhone and watching Netflix on my TV; it’s considered one of my hobbies. But I think every now and then, it wouldn’t kill me to put my phone down and to turn off my TV. I’m not saying we should cut technology out of our lives forever because it will always be there, but what I AM saying is that we should take a break from it and realize what’s right in front us- the real world.
One of my biggest pet peeves about the use of cell phones is how MUCH people use it. I’m not going to lie, I am guilty for doing this and I am sure everyone has done this too… But I have come to realize how rude this can be. Whenever I am having a conversation with someone and they are texting while I am talking to them, all I want to do is grab their phone and chuck it out the window. DO YOU KNOW THE WORDS THAT ARE COMING OUT OF MY MOUTH!? ("Rush Hour" reference) First of all, studies have shown that the brain cannot physically multi-task. For an example, whenever you are typing in a text message, have you ever typed what you heard out loud or what you have said out loud? Maybe you have, maybe you haven’t. Although I have done this plenty of times! One thing for sure is you cannot multi-task by having a conversation with someone and by texting on your phone. Those 100 billion neurons in your brain cannot perform two tasks effectively; that’s the key word here, effectively. I know it is very important to text your boyfriend/girlfriend to let them know what you are doing each second of the day, but I'd much rather have you listen to me because I am more important (If you really knew me, you could hear my sarcasm in that sentence).
Another weird thing about the use of cellphones is when we are hanging out with our friends. Again, I am guilty of doing this, but I have come to realize how normal this has become. Whenever I have a friend come over to my house, we would sometimes hang out in my room and just sit there looking at our phones. This is SO common in my generation, but also for some of the older and younger generation. We all “get together” or “hang out” by just sitting in the same room and locking our eyes into a bright screen. Does anyone else find this weird?!?! What’s the point of having friends over if you are not going to socialize with each other? You might as well send your friend back home and chat via Skype! My suggestion to this problem is to actually socialize with your friend whenever you have them over or whenever you go to their house. Pretty simple right???
My last rant about the use of cell phones is at the dinner table. Now being at the dinner table can be sometimes awkward because not everyone knows how to start a conversation. But think of it this way- whatever happened at the dinner table can be discussed the NEXT time you all have dinner. It can bring back lovely memories! If my parents are reading this, I’m sorry for being a hypocrite, but YOU WERE RIGHT! IT IS VERY RUDE! Nothing is more a slap in the face when you are trying to enjoy a meal with your family and one of your family members is texting at the table. Seriously, your phone can wait for a couple minutes. Again, if you are texting your boyfriend/girlfriend what you are doing at that very moment, just let them know you are eating and it will take you approximately 45 minutes to eat your meal. He/she should understand. If not, you have some serious relationships issues you need to work out. This time at the dinner table is used to talk about each other’s day and to catch up with what is new in everybody’s lives. I have always enjoyed telling my family about how an old lady at my work walked out of her fitting room, in her bra, looking for a bigger size shirt. I also enjoy hearing my mom’s stories about how a customer at her work asked her out on a date and she replied, “I would love too! Can I bring my husband and my two daughters?”
My main point from all of this is to just take a break from technology- put your phone down whenever you are talking to a friend and when you are at the dinner table. Instead of watching TV inside, how about going outside and “watching” nature (You never know if you might seem something funny happening in your own backyard!). We can’t always surround ourselves by technology. And yes, I am aware that I am typing a blog on a laptop. To prove my point to you all, I am going to take my break from technology by taking a beautiful nap in my perfectly full size bed. Peace to the Middle East!