With the world at our fingertips, the possibilities seem endless. With the increasing technologies, our world is becoming more and more globalized, which is convenient for communicating or mailing across the world. It seems like there's a new apple product every few months, making people want the newest, best, fastest device on the market.
Getting so hung up in social media and technology itself has made people care more about how many likes their picture on Instagram gets rather than what people actually think about them. Posting the best and ONLY the best of yourself to see how many people comment and like it. Kids are getting iPhones at six years old, when I was six I was lucky enough play on the computer for so long.
Nowadays instead of making conversation, looking down on your phone is the norm. Whenever in an awkward situation your go-to thing is your cell phone. Some can't go 10 minutes without checking their phone.
Looking all around and now seeing everyone controlled by their technology in atmospheres where technology isn't welcomed is sad. Going to dinner with family or friends and barely saying a word to each other is a cause of the technology takeover. Being so consumed with the latest tweet really has taken over our everyday lives, instead of sitting on our phones at dinner we should be engaging in conversation and emotion. How many people could actually go a whole dinner without checking their phone once? Make that your families dinner goals, or every time you go out to eat put your phones upside down at the end of the table and whoever is most tempted by their device has to pay for dinner.
An old school soul like mine can feel the disconnection us humans have with one another because we are constantly distracted by tweets and texts. I think the saying "you never know how much you can impact someone's day by a simple hello" is true. Instead of worrying about replying to that text message or phone call right away, you should take the time to make eye contact and talk to a complete stranger.. you don't know the positive impact you could make on that person's life.