As the years have progressed, technology has become a part of our daily lives more than ever. I will admit, I use my phone and computer a fair amount and use all social media on a daily basis. Today, toddlers are getting iPads for the holidays and get smartphones at such a young age. We rely too much on our technology that we don't know what we would do without it. Here are just a few ways that technology is ruining our lives.
1. Dating
Some time ago, you would physically have to ask someone on a date if you liked them; there was no texting, or Instagram, or Twitter. Nowadays, however, we see flirting as liking someone's selfie on Instagram, 'cause, how else would you know that someone is interested in you? People "slide into DM's" on Twitter to try and get a girls phone number (or vice versa) and that is now considered "normal." But the worst of all is texting. I do it, we all do. But it seems now relationships are being kept alive by texting all day long in short, choppy conversations rather than a long, meaningful one in person.
2. Down time
When we're bored, we open up Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook and scroll until we've seen everything. Yes, it is nice to see what your friends are up to in life and to see what they have going on, but the constant scrolling is taking over our lives. It used to be that, when you were bored, you would play outside or play a board game. Now, we have games installed in our phones and tablets, keeping our eyes glued to the screen.
3. Going out
I'm sure almost everyone has seen the image of a younger boy glued to his phone at lunch with his clearly upset grandmother. With all the reliance on technology, this is starting to become an issue. Not just with family, but it happens with friends and dates, as well. Today, you can almost always see someone (child or not) on their phones or tablets while out to eat with their friends, family, or loved ones. In the moment, it might not cross ones mind that being on the phone is completely disrespectful. But that's what it comes off as. That being there with them is far less interesting or fun than being on your phone. However, it doesn't just happen going out to eat. Nowadays, you see more and more parents more interested in their phone than what is going on with their child. You mainly see it at sport events, where the parent isn't even paying a bit of attention to their child who is doing their absolute best, but their parents won't even see it.
4. Driving
Texting and driving has become such a big issue in today's world. Where responding to someone's text is more important than your safety and the safety of the other drivers. Sure, you might think that one quick glance isn't going to do any harm, but that quick glance to read a text can turn into "needing" to reply to that text, keeping your eyes off the road even longer.
We rely on technology too much today. Kids are being introduced to it younger and younger and getting it at very young ages, too. It's OK to use technology, I'm not telling you to stop using it, but it's overpowering our lives. Put the phone down and pick up a book, go outside, have a real face to face conversation, enjoy time with your loved ones. We don't need technology to live good lives.