I won't deny it, technology today has advanced leaps and bounds in the past 50 years. If it hasn't, then this whole blog would even exist for a number of reasons.It has helped us in so many ways (more than can count), making our lives easier and information more accessible. But don't you get the feeling that some things are still just a bit, you know, old? There are certain aspects of our technology today that still annoy us, and makes us wonder why it hasn't already been taken care of, despite all of our other advances/achievements. Here are some of those problems.
I own three different mobile devices (Moto G 1st Gen, LG G Watch, and Samsung Chromebook 2) which is use frequently everyday day. While I love the way that they can communicate with each other with no wires 24/7, the annoying part comes at the end of the day. Before I go to bed, I always have to make sure that I charge all three of the devices, which means that I have to bring them out of my bag, plug them into the power strip, and then plug the other ends into the devices. While that process only takes about a minute to complete, it's tedious since I have to do it every night. And as you can see in the picture, it's not neat either. The wires take up space in my room (and in my bag), and you also have to make sure that you don't break the wires, or else you'll have to buy new ones. There's got to be an easier way to this, but until then, we're stuck with this mess.
This really feels like something that we shouldn't be dealing with right now, but alas, here we are. You'd be really disappointed if you knew about the history of more batteries these days. The lithium-ion battery (the battery type that powers most mobile devices today) started to come to form from the year 1912, but wasn't made commercially available until the early 1970's to today. You heard that right: your mobile device (or whatever you're reading this post on) is currently being powered by a battery that's over four decades old. FOUR DECADES!!! To put that in perspective, the early 1970's was when the early internet (back then known as the DARPANET) was being born, and look how far that's come. It's honestly disappointing to know that our modern technology is still using decades old ideas. If you want to know more about the history and future of the mobile battery, check out this article.
"Hey guys, come check this video out! It's SO FUNNY!!!" you shout out to your friends nearby. They all come to your device (phone, computer, tablet, etc.) to see the video you have deemed worth sharing. But, as you and your friends are gathered around the screen in anticipation of the video, your worst nightmares happen: the video doesn't load. Instead, you're greeted with a constant spinning white wheel. You and your friends endure it for the first 5-10 seconds, but after 30-45 seconds, you guys get bored, and decide to do something that's worth your time. And you end up feeling embarrassed that you even brought the video up.
I know that the quality of the video that you're watching depends on you're WiFi speeds and congestion, combined with what you device can handle, but nonetheless, this is an annoying issue. I feel like we shouldn't even have to worry about this any more, but again, here we are.
Like I said at the beginning of this article, technology has come a long way. But some aspects of it haven't. It's weird that although we can go into alternate realities and do things that seemed impossible 100 years ago (which led to this famous quote), we still have to worry about wires, battery life, and things not loading fast enough. Will these problems ever be taken care. Hopefully. Will technology ever be perfect? No. But that's just the point, now isn't it?
Do you have solutions to these issues? Have other problems that I didn't put here? Let me know in the comments.