Technology Is A Necessity For A Prosperous Future | The Odyssey Online
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Technology Is A Necessity For A Prosperous Future

In a constantly changing society, the only constant that increases living standards is new technology.

Technology Is A Necessity For A Prosperous Future

Society today is currently in an era where technology is at the forefront of human advancement. This is nothing new as there has always been the trend that as technology increases living standards and standards for human entertainment change as well. One of the unfortunate results of a society with ever advancing technology and lifestyles is the pushback from those who don't necessarily like or enjoy the advancements. One of the main quarrels you'll often hear is that things like technology and social media are creating an environment filled with people who have undesirable characteristics like being narcissistic or unsocial.

Truth be told being anti-social and narcissistic are just vices that some people have, there are always people in society who are self absorbed with technology today its more accessible and easy to see. A common mistake that can happen when discussing any subject is confusing correlation with causation. Narcism and anti-socialism are things embedded in human nature not things caused by modern day technology.

Fun fact: One of the first selfies ever taken was in 1839 by Robert Cornelius in Philadelphia. That's right, the selfie, which some consider to be one of the pinnacle of today's narcism was something that existed all the way back in the 1800’s. Traits and human characteristics don't often change but the surrounding environment does. Some people always vision a dystopian future where technology ruins everything, that has not and never will be the case. Technology is one of the only main constants that help improve people's standards of living and we shouldn't attempt to demonize it because without progress for a prosperous future would probably be unrealistic if not impossible.

Hating on new revolutionary technology contributes to a cheap damaging culture of loathing certain commodities just because they differ from the past. New technology is an extraordinary thing and it shouldn't be diminished just because some people like to correlate negative aspects despite having no basis for causation.

With today's technology we’re able to do things those of the past have never dreamed of and we can only hope we’ll be able to say the same thing in the future. When new discoveries are made and new things are created there will always be those who want brush it off and keep things the same, but having ideologies like that won't be able to provide a foundation for an advanced and more successful future.

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