After reading Aziz Ansari's new book, “Modern Romance,” I have realized that he just gets it. In the book, and in many comedy skits, he writes about how dating was in the past and how dating is today with all of the technology that surrounds our daily lives. Between texting, messaging and dating applications, there is less and less true contact and dating has become way more complicated.
I have always looked at my great grandparents who had a long, happy marriage and thought about how different times where when they met. They met in a simpler time; a time that involved not only meeting in person, but also communicating in person. It was a time where if you told them there would soon be this thing called texting, where you could write words and have conversations through a screen, they would look at you as if you were crazy. But today most conversations between people consist of some sort of messaging, a constant game that takes away from people creating true, meaningful connections. Clearly, we just live in a much more complicated, technological world, and Aziz Ansari understands.
Here’s a quote from Aziz that truly describes what it is like trying to date in modern times with the use of technology.
When you could have just called and said that same thing in two minutes with even more emotion, but...
So, instead we continue the conversation throughout the day, or even the week depending on how long one takes to write back
And we sit and re-read text messages in order to try and figure out the true meaning of the words on the screen.
Maybe, if you are lucky it will be a date. You will meet up in person and your date will call you, or text you again in a week; just make sure your autocorrect isn’t on.
But really, my great grandparents may never understand the dating world we live in today. Aziz just gets the humor in it, which is just another reason I admire him. Sometimes I truly laugh at how much of a game dating can be and how ridiculous some of our thought processes are. Should I put hey or heyy? Should I not write back for two weeks? All of these silly questions and games really do take away from true, meaningful connections that could be made otherwise and would have been made back in the day. Plus, half of the texts that are sent would have never been said by that person in real life.
Like Aziz says, "If you were in a bar, would you ever go up to a guy or girl and repeat the word 'hey' 10 times in a row without getting a response? Would you ever go up to a woman you met two minutes ago and beg her to show you one of her boobs? Even if you are just looking for a casual hookup, do you really think this will work? And if so, do you really want to bone someone who responds to this? Yet people send these kinds of text messages all the time. I can only conclude that it's because it's so easy to forget that you're talking to another human being and not a bubble."
We will never escape this modern era of technology and dating may never be as simple as the past, but if we learn how to use technology in a more positive way and actually get to know people on a more personal level outside of a message on a screen, then maybe modern romance wouldn't be such a horror.