I have spent a piece of the last four summers at a camp for special needs adults. The name of the camp is Camp Joy. Camp Joy is a place where my whole heart resides. If there is one place that I️ cry, it’s at camp. I️ cry more at camp than I️ do all year. One may ask, why is that? God has allowed me to see the little things that happen and appreciate them. The power of the Holy Spirit is present and working in the hearts of so many. It causes many to break down in front of the Lord. The type of tears that are shed at camp are not ones of sadness or pain, but tears of JOY! They are tears of hope, a hope that we must have in the Lord. Throughout five weeks of Camp Joy, I treasured many moments and stored them deep in my heart. I shed blissful tears of hope. Watching each camper-counselor relationship develop into a lifelong friendship during just a week, Listening to all my special friends sing, Hearing all their voices SCREAM the name of Jesus is humbling and beautiful, Hearing some of our wheel chair campers sing about walking with Jesus one day, Hearing them pray some of the greatest prayers, Watching them dance for JESUS, The way that they understand each other better than the counselors do, Watching each one of their talents at the talent show, all make me feel such a powerful sense of bliss that I break down into tears. If there is one thing about camp that brings me to tears the most it is the final night. It is tradition that all the counselors go and sit in the chapel and reflect over their weeks. Every session this summer, I personally would go the stage, lay on my back, and stare at the ceiling and pray. The tears I shed during those intimate moments with God were extremely special. There is nothing in the world that was and is more beautiful than those moments with God. There is a verse in Mark 10:15;
“Truly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child shall not enter it." In those intimate moments this is what I was thinking about. These beautiful people taught me to not get so caught up in the complexities of this world, but to instead accept and greet the Father as children of God. Running to his outstretched arms so innocent and so pure. I would lay and pray to the Father to use me in mighty ways. This past summer was one that I will never forget. It was five long, tiring, and rewarding weeks. God was able to show me that my purpose here on this earth is to serve and help those with special needs. All the tears are a joyful reminder that God has allows me to see with his eyes and for that I am grateful. Most importantly, I am grateful for a Savior who has inspired me to shed tears of JOY!