This Past Halloween I was Nathan Scott, I received a lot more compliments on my Nathan Scott number twenty three jersey then I thought I would. I went to post a picture of me in my costume and the one and only James Lafferty favorited my photo (yes I cried.) With James Lafferty only having around 500 favorites on his twitter I felt pretty special. So thank you James, It meant more than you will ever know! Thank you for changing my life through a TV character, this one's for you.
1. His love for Haley is unstoppable
Nathan Scott never gave up on Haley. Nathan loved that girl with every single bone he had inside of himself. Nathan would do anything for Haley. When Haley left for tour with Chris Keller he waited for her, he even went to visit her. Even after she told him she was unsure of their future he did not give up, waited for her. Meanwhile Lucas gave up on Peyton. Although Lindsey left Lucas at the altar Lucas said “I do.” It was only because of Lindsey that Lucas went back to Peyton. Lucas also cheated on Brooke when they dated in high school. Nathan gave everything he could to Haley, he does the cutest things for Haley. I hope I will meet somebody half as good as Nathan.
2. When he makes mistakes he owns up to them
There’s no doubt Nathan has made his fair shares of mistakes, from counting points during the semi-final basketball game, dead fishing a kiss with the crazy nanny or getting into a bar fight and being put through a glass wall. But for his mistakes he always own up to them and makes an effort to make it right. He understood what he caused and even if it took him a little bit to get the strength to realize he was wrong, he made up for it.
3. He doesn’t leave
Unlike Lucas, Nathan never leaves the show. Even though Lucas came back for one or two shows, Nathan has been through the show through thick and thin. He gives everything to Haley and their family. He tries to make everybody happy while following his dreams at the same time.
4. He is imperfectly, perfect
Yes, as stated before Nathan makes mistakes and is not a perfect human being. But in my eyes he is perfect to me. The way he treats Haley makes me insanely jealous, I wish I was Haley. His looks are purely heart eyes for days. Just the thought of Nathan Scott gives me goose bumps, I guess you could say I am definitely a fan girl, the biggest one at that! Team Nathan Scott always and forever.