If you haven't heard the recent drama with Kanye West, Kim Kardashian West, and Taylor Swift, you must be living under a rock. It all started at the 2009 MTV Video Music Awards when Kanye West interrupted Taylor Swift's acceptance speech for Best Female Video by saying "Yo, Taylor. I'm really happy for you. I'mma let you finish, but Beyonce had one of the best videos of all time." After seven years of reconciliation and forgiveness, Taylor and Kanye are back at it again, this time with the addition of Kim Kardashian West.
Kanye released a new song called "Famous" recently and there is a line that caused a lot of controversy. The lyric read, "I feel like me and Taylor might still have sex. Why? I made that bitch famous." Taylor Swift acted like the vicim in this situation and was insulted by the lyrics. Little did Taylor know that Kim recorded Kanye asking for Taylor's approval and Taylor giving her approval. Kim released the video over snapchat and if you follow her like I do (@kimkardashian), you were able to watch the video on her story on July 18th, which Kim claimed was National Snake Day but National Snake Day is actually on July 16th.
Now that Taylor was exposed, she still is playing the victim card. She is saying that Kanye and Kim recorded that phone call without her knowing and that it was sneaky. While she says it was sneaky, it was smart that Kim recorded it because Taylor tried to play it to her strengths. She tried to make Kanye look like the bad guy while she was the one being attacked, when in reality, as Kanye says in the video "friendship is more important than a punchline." She gave Kanye her approval to use her in his song and she tried to get him in trouble.
I am team Kimye because even though they have done some unacceptable things, they know how the world works. They knew that people will do crazy things to get attention, they've honestly done crazy things to get where they are, but they know how to make sure they don't get screwed over. Taylor was in the wrong in this situation and she needs to own up to what she did and stop playing the victim. Here are some other people who are on Team Kimye.
First we have Zendaya who favorited tweets about the whole situation.
Next we have Demi Lovato who favorite a tweet that said "I LOVE KIM KARDASHIAN"
And finally we have Pharrell Williams who favorited a tweet with the hashtag #KimExposedTaylor Party
While some people think Taylor is still innocent and in the right, I strongly believe that she isn't as innocent as she portrays herself and I'm glad other people are starting to realize that she isn't little miss perfect. For more on this story, go to eonline.