We're Turning Things Teal- And Here's Why
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We're Turning Things Teal- And Here's Why

"TEAL There's a Cure."

We're Turning Things Teal- And Here's Why
Mary Gosek

“Tell Every Amazing Lady” teal... The acronym used in reference to a disease which affects millions and takes the lives of approximately 14,000 women a year -- making up for 2.4% of all deaths related to cancer.

Ovarian cancer, also known as the “cancer that whispers,” is one of the over 100 types of cancers greedily taking over bodies and lives of men, women, and children. This specific form can only be found in women, but don’t be fooled, as it affects all. From mothers and friends to fathers, children, and other family members, ovarian cancer leaves a lasting sting when you’ve experienced it whether first hand or through a loved one.

Cancer first-hand. However, instead of submitting to the disease as it took over and living in peril, she fought. She fought hard. Mary didn’t go a day without spreading her unending, sometimes impressive and always honorable joy to anyone and everyone she passed by; a simple smile or a small conversation went a long way coming from her, and everyone knew it.

Not only did she liven and brighten up the days of those she ran into, determined to raise awareness for the fateful disease and possibly spare other families, friends and loved ones from experiencing a woman in their life going through it, Mary selflessly helped with, ran, organized and created several events, organizations and the like.

The symptoms and important things to know about Ovarian Cancer are as follows:

  • Bloated Abdomen
  • Abdominal and/or Pelvic Pain
  • Difficulty Eating
  • Urinary Problems
  • Bowel Movement Changes
  • Spotting between Periods

Many of these symptoms can be linked to extremely less fatal health issues as well- and thus, Ovarian Cancer goes undiagnosed until they persist and become more-than-mild. Pap Smears can’t detect Ovarian Cancer; another contribution to the undiagnosed disease. The fact that it goes undiagnosed for so long so often in so many women is what makes it so dangerous- it accumulates quickly and spreads outside the ovaries, becoming the 5th leading cause of death by cancer in women. I would not know any of these if it weren’t for my Aunt Mary’s persistent attempts to inform everyone she could of them.

Mary Gosek started an organized day at the Oswego Speedway to raise awareness, called “Turn the Palace Teal,” in which we encourage fans, teams, employees, and drivers to sport a teal article- shirt, hat, shorts, ribbon--- some go as far as entire outfits!- and visit one of two “teal” tables set up throughout the speedway for information about Ovarian cancer including symptoms, home remedies, and medical remedies. We’ve raised more money than imaginable for the support and awareness thanks to Mary and her efforts. Also available are various ways to contribute to one of her inspirations- a group called Hope for Heather, also created to spread awareness for Ovarian Cancer, by a mother of a woman who was taken by it.

Also seen throughout Oswego County are the Teal walks on the SUNY Oswego campus each semester, and the Teal walk in East Syracuse Minoa each September (Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month). Mary’s Mighty Team of Teal walks proudly and strongly at both these events in support of not only Mary but all women who may be affected. SUNY Oswego also hosts “tealgate” at a Laker Men’s Ice Hockey game once a season- and the Men’s Hockey Team are seen sporting shirts which read “On Tuesdays, We Wear Teal” weekly. Wearing teal on Tuesday is an effort Maras well, hoping to catch the attention of students and staff throughout campus as multitudes of others walked around decked out in teal ribbons, shirts, and hats.

“Peaceful Remedies” is an organization Mary focused on in order to help most specifically those with Ovarian Cancer in an attempt to soothe their effects and make life with cancer more bearable. From essential oils to yoga demonstrations, it focuses on finding peace and inner joy through even the hardest times.

Mary Gosek, while one of the many victims to Ovarian Cancer, has left a lasting effect on not only those close to her, but the entirety of Oswego, New York. From SUNY Oswego to Oswego Speedway, To ESM and even Rochester thanks to her daughter, Sarah, communities are being changed, informed of the disease and the symptoms, and more women can be helped earlier on. There is no denying that Oswego is no longer the same town as it was before Mary started her efforts and brought us together to become aware and fight. I thank God she chose to stay strong and fight- fight for herself, for her family, loved ones, for all women and everyone to be spared the effects of Ovarian Cancer.

Even without her, we still Stay Strong and Fight On.

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