Headline after headline, disgusted thought after disgusted thought and I always wonder when it's going to stop. This topic is something our justice system shoves under the rug and tries to hide away and keep quiet. It's something many think could never happen to them, but it does and then it gets a little bit closer to home. It happens every day somewhere in the world and it's one of the most un-talked about subjects everywhere.
We live in a world today where rape-culture is taught in a very wrong way and it needs to change.
We teach how 'prevent' this from happening to us but why not teach not to rape at all. By telling girls as they grow up to carry pepper spray, don't get too drunk, watch your drink, stay alert in dark places and so on and so forth we aren't doing anything but preparing for them to expect something bad to happen. Yes, this is obviously smart no matter what but why aren't we teaching the opposite? Why not teach to not rape someone while they're unconscious or if they say no the first time, or drug someone or take advantage of others. Instead, we are letting this so called rape-culture get bigger and more dangerous by not spreading awareness that rape is wrong no matter what anyone says.
We live in a time where the victim is blamed more times than not. Questions such as "why didn't you just close your legs", "it's your fault you got too drunk so is it really rape", "why does 5 minutes of action have to ruin my child's life" and so many other statements are given by judges on rape cases, parents of the rapist and other arrogant people that don't understand that it is wrong under any circumstance to penetrate a woman while unconscious or if it is unwanted. It's disgusting that it has gotten to this point that we actually blame the victim because someone always wants to come up with an excuse. NO. This it is absolutely wrong.
Think about this before you go around teaching the wrong side or blame another victim. What if it was your daughter, wife, sister, niece, aunt, mother, best friend, co-worker, anyone remotely close to you, so on and so forth that was the victim? And everyone in charge or that had power was telling her it's her fault, and she put herself in this situation while she sits there for the rest of her life being scarred and having a terrible memory of this disgusting thing that has happened. Sleep on that because you never know when this is going to happen to someone close to you. And when it does, you're going to be wishing something was done a long time ago.