Dear Future Students,
I have been looking forward to meeting you for longer than you know. I have planned for the day I met you for years now and dreamt of the memories we will share together. I have spent sleepless nights planning activities for you and countless hours in classrooms learning how to be the best version of myself for you. And although I have thought of countless scenarios in which we might find ourselves, this is never one I expected.
I never dreamed I would accept my first teaching job with a man like Trump as President and I’m sure in your short amount of time on Earth, you never imagined he would be your president either. But since we have found ourselves in this position, there are a few things I need you to know.
First and foremost, I will never, EVER, judge you on the color of your skin or the background of your family. I will treat you equally regardless of your social class, your religion, your gender or your sexual orientation. I will educate myself and those around me to ensure that my classroom is a space where intolerance is not present.
I know that the world you know now is harsh and riddled with judgment, but this classroom is not and will never be.
Second, I know that you are scared. I know that you are surrounded by confusion and by a world of change, but this classroom will always be a safe space. I cannot guarantee what the outside world will look like, but I can guarantee a room without judgment within these four walls. I can guarantee hugs, open ears, and support when everything else seems uncertain.
I know that I cannot shield you from it all, but I will never add to your struggle.
Third, I will not be perfect. I will make mistakes and I will misjudge and I will fall short at times, but I will never stop trying. I will never stop fighting for you, your rights, and your education. I will be your advocate, and your mentor and your champion if you let me. I will never ask more from you than I deem fair, and all I ask in return is that you give me your all. I ask that for as much as I give you, you give me back. We work as a team and we don’t give up on each other.
We will learn and we will grow together.
My deepest hopes are that by the time you read this, you don’t know the intolerance I speak of. You don’t know the world where love isn’t for everyone, and acceptance is only a term in the dictionary. I hope, from the bottom of my heart, that every space you enter is a safe one, and that my classroom is one of many rooms where you feel you belong.
Until we meet, know that I spend every day thinking of you.
An Ever-Hopeful Teacher