Every kid has their own view on going to school. Some kids love it; they love learning and interacting with their peers. On the other side, some kids hate it. They feel like they aren't smart and hate putting in the work. As for me, I've always been somewhere in the middle. Now that I'm in college and don't love taking general education credits, and there will always be that one subject I struggle with (math); I've never been so passionate about my education. This is all thanks to Sarah.
Sarah was my Intro to Social Work professor this past spring semester. I enrolled in the course because I've always been interested in social work, the profession, and the issues it addressed in society. I didn't know what I was still doing in my current major or even in school, so what could it hurt to take something new?
My professor's personality may just have made all of the difference in my enjoyment for the class and subject. Her smiling face and warm, cheery personality was always welcoming. She knew her stuff, too. She taught me that the things I've heard about social workers were only stereotypes, such as social workers only working in DCS or that they don't make any money. Knowing all of this was so helpful. Though I still get odd looks when I say I'm a social work student, I'm proud to set these stereotypes straight.
I would've never been able to change my major if it weren't for Sarah. Every time I had a question or needed guidance, she was always there to help. The fact that she was always positive, too, made all the difference, even if I was struggling to stay focused. She guided me and even used some social work skills with me, always asking me how something made me feel and how to make decisions for myself. This has been great. Though I usually know what I want, I have a hard time trusting myself. She's given me the confidence in this major, as well as anything else school-related.
Having the right teacher can make all the difference in any subject. The right one could help you realize your potential, or help you through something you struggle in, like Sarah has done for me. Would I still have found my love for social work if it hadn't had been for her? Probably, but who knows? I believe when you're called to something, you're called to it. What if I had had a bad professor, though? I wouldn't know what I know now about being a social worker, and have had the encouragement I needed to do better in school (and stay in, for that matter).
In case you haven't realized by now, I am so incredibly passionate about my major now and I truly enjoy the courses. I love the people that I've met and attending the college meetings. I also love having Sarah as my adviser. Though she is no longer my professor, I know I can depend on her. One day, when I'm an official social worker, I'll always remember how she inspired me. Never be afraid to show your enthusiasm...you never know who may be watching.