Dear Mentor,
When I first met you, I had no idea how greatly you would impact my life. You were my teacher, and I was your student. I was so excited to have you as a teacher, but I admit I didn't say much in class. You knew I was always listening and paying attention, though. I loved watching you teach. You had such passion in your voice and in your actions. You knew you wanted to make a difference in that classroom, and that is exactly what you did.
At the end of the school year, you broke the news. We were your last class. Not only did it break my heart, but it broke all of your students' hearts as well. I couldn't imagine not having you as a teacher, and my dream for my sister to have you was no more. I carried out the rest of the school year I had with you by talking to you every chance I got. I wanted you to be a continuous part of my life.
The school year ended, and I left without getting the chance to say goodbye. You know me - goodbyes are huge for me. I kept thinking I would never get a chance to tell you how much you mean to me. Good thing that was not the case.
A few weeks after school let out, I saw you at the district office as you began your new job. I was also beginning a new job. When you had a free moment, you stepped out of your meeting, and gave me a big hug. I was so excited to see you again. We talked for a little while about my interview for the new job, and right before I left, you said, "Just be yourself, and they'd be stupid not to hire you!" It has been four and a half years, but those words have stuck with me every day. I listened to what you said, and sure enough, I got the job.
Several months went by before I got in contact with you again. I had some pretty exciting news, and for some reason, I just had to tell you. This was the re-beginning of our relationship. At the time though, I had no idea that reconnecting with you would end up changing my life.
Throughout my high school career, you were always right by my side when I needed. Whether it be friend drama, family drama, or just problems at school, I always knew I could turn to you when I needed some reassurance and advice. As I've written about in past articles, I struggled with depression and anxiety a lot in high school. You have played such a huge part in changing how I see the world and how I see myself. During one of the many times I emailed you, you sent me some advice which has now become my most favorite quote.
"Nothing worth doing is ever easy! YOU are strong enough and tough enough to handle 'hard' ...stare 'hard' situations in the face and let them know you will not be taken down easy."
You have helped me change my perspective on life and my abilities to succeed. You've taught me about fixed vs. growth mindsets, grit, and that you have the control of how your life is going to turn out. Throughout the six years that I have known you, we have both changed a lot, but I wouldn't say in bad ways. We have both been able to grow more into the people we were meant to be in life.
You have done so much for not only me, but my family, as well, and for that, I will never be able to repay you. Thank you for being so helpful and supportive throughout the years I've known you. You've always believed in me, even when I didn't believe in myself. You've pushed me to new heights. You got me out of my comfort zone. You've helped me become me.
There it is. The day I waited my whole high school career for, Graduation Day. I know it is part of your job to be at each of the graduation ceremonies, but it was really special for me to have you there. I basically brought you along for the ride all four years. You listened to all of my ranting about teachers or the amounts of homework I had. You experienced my anxiety going through the roof when I had in-class presentations. You saw it all. When I walked across that stage with my diploma in hand, you gave me a huge smile, winked the way you do, and cheered for me. You said you were proud of me - the words I worked so hard to hear.
So once again, thank you. Thank you for absolutely everything you have done and continue to do in my life. Thank you for being the person you are. Thank you for always being by my side even when I'm driving you crazy (not that you admit it).Thank you for being so passionate about your job, your family, your students, and your life. Thank you.
The world needs more people like you in it.
Never let anyone dull your sparkle. :)