Overall, I enjoyed my elementary and secondary educations and understand that I was lucky enough to attend school and obtain much knowledge that many parts of the world don't have access to. However, I believe our public schools are missing a few and quite large key points that we should be learning. I have narrowed it down to the top three most important things that we should be learning beyond a reasonable doubt.
1. Some basic knowledge about student loans
When I was picking out where I wanted to attend university, the thought of student loans never even crossed my mind. I was so focused on the next four years and getting in somewhere, that I didn't think beyond college graduation. To add to this point, my guidance counselors also pushed for me to go to the absolute best college that I could get in to. This came with a price tag. I believe it is a public school's duty to educate incoming seniors on student loans and urge them to have a talk with their parents or guardians about this topic as well.
2. Digital etiquette
This one is huge, especially for my generation. I believe public schools should teach their students how to write appropriate emails to their professors, set up a linked in, and make students aware of how important it is to present the best version of yourself on digital media, whether that be social media or through communication with superiors. I have witnessed so many of my friends email professors asking to raise their grade or an extension on a paper but did not word the email correctly and were simply denied.
3. How to have thick skin
The reality is, it's a tough world out there, and I feel as though a lot of our teachers baby us. When our teachers give us an answer we don't like, our parents step in and fix everything. This is so beyond the point of wrong. Mom and Dad can't fix everything. There comes a point in your life where you will just need to figure it out without Mom or Dad's help. Our schools need to stop babying us and give us tools to thicken our skin and strengthen our minds.