Traditions are fun, so why not have a weekly one?
Each week on Sunday, my friends and I stop everything we are doing and drink tea. Why? Simple: we love spending time together and taking a break from our busy lives. We also love communicating with each other and just having some wholesome fun.
Everyone should set apart a time for a tea party. I know most people think tea parties are for "babies" but, I assure you it is way more than that. Having the ability to fellowship enables people to bond together. While having this event, you create a space that shows how much care one has for each other. It is a time to share laughs, memories, and even tears. People also gain access to reach inside of the hearts of each other and create an unbreakable chain between them. The more time a person spends with a group, the more trust that is built. At the end of each time spent with one another, the group obtains the concept of unconditional love and having the ability to lean on others.
Just because tea time means to drink tea. It does not necessarily have to be that beverage. It can be over food, water, ice cream, pretty much anything a person wants to use. The point of tea time is to spend time with each other and make a certain time for everyone to stop what they are doing. The essential idea is fellowship. Drinks and food are only important if that is what each person likes to do.
Though these attributes can be found in each other, it does not happen all at once. Trust and love is a process that happens over time. The tea alone does not allow these feelings to take place. It requires everyone to pitch in and have a positive attitude towards one another. Everyone must have an open mind and take the time to really make an engagement. As a wise person once "You can lead a horse to water, but you can not make it drink." This implies a person can come to tea time, but that does not mean they can connect with others.
With that said, tea time can be a moving weekly experience if it is used properly. By "used properly", I mean used in a positive fulfilling way. So, make time for fellowship and tea! It could change your friends lives and your own.