For me personally, drinking coffee was always a chore unless it was a concoction of different sugars. From chocolate syrup to hot chocolate mix, I have tried it all to sweeten up the black bitterness, until I discovered the much simpler, but sophisticated drink, tea.
Here are a few of the biggest reasons why you need to start sippin’ tea.
1. No sugar
Sugar has been scientifically proven to be as addictive as cocaine and has even been linked to causing cancer. Of course, there is the option to drink coffee black, but if you’re anything like me, you like a little coffee with your syrups and whip cream. My typical large sized coffee probably has the sugar equivalency to a couple Snickers bars.
In contrast, tea is often sweet naturally, unless of course, you go for a cup with added flavors and other chemicals — no thanks. Tea has even shown to aid in the prevention of cancer!
2. It’s “hip”
Thanks to Starbucks and white girls wearing Uggs, coffee is so strongly correlated to being basic. Don’t be ordinary when you can sip on something extraordinary.
3. Caffeeeeine!
Most of us can’t go a day without the fixing of this drug, and it’s understandable why. Tea, particularly Herba Mate tea, offers a smooth energy surge compared to the anxious feeling brought about by drinking energy drinks or coffee.
4. Cheap and easy
Tea bag and a cup of water and you're good to go. At most cafe’s, tea sells for under two dollars. Can you say the same about a good (non-black) coffee? The simplicity of ingredients also makes tea much easier to make, and if you’re lazy like me (especially in the mornings) that’s a big deal.
5. Heaps of health benefits
From reducing stress to strengthening your bones and immune system, tea is extremely beneficial to your health. What does coffee do besides yellow your teeth and give you the occasional shits?