Seeing Taylor Swift live is just something that I will always do. My cousin Maggie and I have been to almost every show that's come to Washington, so of course, her newest album was no exception. It's safe to say we were losing our minds when we saw one of our biggest influences take the stage. Not to mention, we added a lovely new Swiftie (Hannah) to our concert crowd and had an absolute blast.
Read on for 13 things that went through my mind during the show (because are there even any other numbers?):
1. First of all, HOW DID THIS EVEN HAPPEN?!
My boyfriend's mom somehow had extra tickets and got us all seats on the floor right next to B Stage. Yes, I'm still screaming.
2. This is unreal.
The whole experience felt like a daydream. I couldn't (and still can't) believe I was in the same building as Taylor Freaking Swift.
3. My 12-year-old self is rolling over in her grave.
Terrible eyeliner and sharpie-covered Converse aside, 12-year-old Emily was a diehard Swiftie (as is the 18-year-old one). I grew up listening to TS and know my 12-year-old self would be freaking out about seeing her first fully mature and "edgy" album live.
4. How many garlic fries can I afford?
If you've ever been to Century Link Field in Seattle, you know you can't miss the garlic fries, however ridiculously-priced they may be.
5. I'm just glad my tiny purse made it through the doors.
After measuring carefully, and purchasing what we thought were regulation-adhering bags, both Hannah and Maggie were forced to throw out their slightly-too-large purses at the gate. They then had to shove the contents into my little bag that was dangerously close to bursting open. But hey, anything for Taylor.
I've never been one to scream and freak out at concerts, but when we saw her take the stage for the first time of the night, we all lost our minds. My throat still hurts from screaming... and I can't hear. Again, it was well worth it to be in the presence of a queen.
7. We are so, so lucky to be here.
Though we splurged big time on our original tickets, we were incredibly blessed by the opportunity to be on the floor, and will never take the feeling of scream-singing and be dancing with 56,000 other Swifties for granted.
8. My feet hurt.
Almost five hours of nonstop standing. I'll say it again: worth it.
Actual tears rolled down my cheeks when I made serious eye contact with T. Swift herself (even if she was definitely also looking into a crowd of a ton of faces, I was right there, looking right at her, while she looked right back). I still can't believe I was this close to such an amazing artist/role model.
10. How am I going to make it through class tomorrow?
Five hours of sleep, two hours to get back to campus, and 20 minutes to make it to class before a crazy-busy day begins. Back to normal life, fueled by Starbucks...
11. I don't ever want this to end.
Sore feet and blisters aside, I was on cloud nine all night, and couldn't imagine returning to a life where I'm not watching Taylor Swift pour her heart out on stage, while I and 56,000 other fans connect with every word.
12. She is such a badass.
Seriously, this woman has had endless criticism since day one and still manages to rise above it all and remain classy, sassy, and a little badass-y, all while making killer new music that raises a perfectly-manicured and polite middle finger to the nay-sayers. Goals.
13. OK, I'm definitely buying the t-shirt.
I was skeptical about spending $40 on a "Reputation" crop top, but after seeing how incredible the show was, and having the time of my life dancing to the album, I decided it's definitely worth the splurge (though I did wait for the 20% discount and ordered it online).
* * *
Of course, a million other thoughts did race through my mind during the concert, but these are a few of the things that will stick with me when I look back on pictures of the night. Taylor, fellow Swifties, this one's for you, stay fabulous.