Pumpkins, ghosts, and other festive figures--all shapes you expect a corn-maze to be, but when you hear the word "corn-maze" I assume pop-sensation Taylor Swift does not typically cross your mind...well now it does.
Summers Farm in Frederick, Maryland "Dares to Be Different" with their new attraction this fall. For 19 years, the folks at Summers Farm have been trying to out-do themselves with their bold shaped corn mazes, and this year I believe they have.
The 12-acre corn maze in Maryland features the pop queens face, as well as a quote from her, which is the definition agricultural entertainment if I've ever seen it.
It's no doubt that Queen Taylor gives off a great message for young girls, making sure everyone knows that it's okay to be yourself and to dare to be different. “Taylor Swift emanates a fun and positive image for today’s young people,” Teresa Greenwood of Summer Farms said. "Swift’s generosity toward charitable causes is one thing, but perhaps more importantly, she dares to be different, embracing the power to be all that she can be…and encouraging her fans to do so, as well."
Maze attendees visiting the maze this fall will have to rely on "Taylor-made" clues dispersed throughout to find their way out of the corn maze. The Greenwoods' have sown over 300,000 corn seeds to set up a fun labyrinth for fans.
“Summers Farm is a place to make memories. I feel very fortunate in sharing this beautiful land with so many people who visit our farm with family and friends,” said Greenwood. “Our farm’s successes have proven that being different, being bold, being impassioned is what brings people back year after year."
This falls harvest festival takes begins Sept. 26 and runs daily until Nov. 1. The festival includes an old-fashioned hayride and more than 30 other activities, including farm animals, farm golfing, jumping pillows, and slides. On weekends you can find live music, pig races, campfire rental, homemade cookies and apple cider doughnuts.
“We offer the best of amusements all wrapped up in a safe and fun outdoor setting,” said Teresa Greenwood.
I don't know about you, but I would like to get lost in Swift's face while feasting on homemade apple cider doughnuts.
The tickets are $7.95 on weekdays and $11.95 on weekends. For more information visit summersfarm.com