These are the things we never learned in high school.
You know, normal things like, how to change your car oil, how to change a tire, build your credit oh and FILE OUR TAXES. You guys, I seriously dread tax season preparations. I am constantly afraid that I will screw something up! Someway, somehow, the screw up is inevitable for me.
One year I went to file them via e-file and next thing you know, the IRS says I sent the same form way too many times. Meanwhile, I can't figure out which form it could have possibly been because I basically just typed in numbers as I saw fit. As embarrassing as this may sound, I spoke with other individuals who too found themselves in the same situation. College students who are living lives as young adults without some of the basic information that is needed for life current and far beyond graduating.
It would be nice for students, prior to college to begin courses dealing with budgeting, personal financing, taxes and all the "adult stuff" we should know. Because maybe, just maybe I wouldn't be so dumbfounded with numbers over 4 years later. Using real-world applications, these courses will prepare students for life both in and out of school.
I can't stress enough how much the skills learned within a budgeting and finance program could have benefited me today. With simple trial and error -- day by day , I am teaching myself the ins and outs of credit building, financial literacy and dependency and further on.
I truly believe that there is hope for students to come, seeing as how there are schools implementing some of these application courses but as for me...
Let's just hope the IRS sees this ever so short article and realizes that it's not you, it's me.
Honestly, I am just clueless.