I'm sure you have heard the phrase, "tattoos are addicting," and I am here to tell you that it is, in fact, true. Having four tattoos myself, I tend to get the same set of questions from family and friends every time I get a new tattoo, but because of the thought and depth I put into them, they never get old to answer.
1. Did it hurt?
This is always the basic question I get asked when someone come across my tattoos, and my first reaction is always to say no. Obviously, when a needle is repeatedly digging into your skin over a decent amount of time, it's not going to be a comfortable feeling, but I wouldn't say it hurts. It feels almost like a hot cat scratch... in the same spot... multiple times. End of story.
2. What about your future job?
I love answering this question simply because I am very passionate about my answer. If my future employer doesn't want to hire me because of the ink on my skin, I don't believe they are worthy of my time. My tattoos will not change my work ethic. If I commit to something, I will be dedicated and I will do it to the best of my ability despite my outward appearance. Being asked to cover up my tattoos is the equivalent of being asked to cover up my testimony. My body is a temple, and my temple glorifies God. Therefore, my future job is going to be one that appreciates and respects my story, my decisions and my unhidden work ethic. And if they can't do that, I won't be working there.
3. What's going to happen when you get old?
I will be able to look at my tattoos and remember who I used to be, but then rejoice in how far I have come and how much I have grown. Yeah, they may be a little wrinkly and old, but every tattoo has a meaning. By the time I'm 50, I hope to have my entire left arm littered with script and drawings of memories that are important and meaningful to me, that way I will never have to forget all of the obstacles I've overcome or the sweet moments that brought me joy. Short and simple: my tattoos will still be there when I'm old and they'll probably still look damn good too.
4. Do your parents like them?
This can be an iffy one if I'm being honest. I feel like everyone assumes that all parents are going to be upset with their kid's decision when it comes to events such as getting a tattoo, but this isn't always true. My parents have always been supportive of me being independent, but they always want what is best for me, and sometimes that means not having tattoos so that I can secure a future job. Overall, I think my parents have grown more comfortable with me having my tattoos, especially after explaining to them why I believe them to be so important. Except for this new one I just got that my dad didn't know about... (sorry dad)
5. What does it mean?
The most important/meaningful question that someone with tattoos ever gets asked. There is always a story behind a tattoo, whether it be a spontaneous decision or a thought out one. All of my tattoos symbolize my character, my personality and my beliefs. They illustrate what I have struggled with in the past and how I have overcome my obstacles. They are a depiction of the work that God has done in my broken, messy, hopeless heart. They are my testimony.
6. Do you/will you regret them?
No. I will never regret glorifying God in any way, even if it's permanently inking my body. He deserves so much more than my flesh, but it's all I have to give. He deserves my entire life and my every breath. There is nothing that will ever convince me that my tattoos were a mistake that I should feel poorly about. They represent how I have been made new in Christ, all for others to see. What more could I ask for?