The Meaning Of My Tattoo | The Odyssey Online
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The Meaning Of My Tattoo

It was quite spontaneous.

The Meaning Of My Tattoo

Back in November, a friend of mine wanted to get a spontaneous tattoo and, of course, being all about spontaneity, I agreed. I was pretty psyched about it.

It would've been my first tattoo, so I wanted to make it small and simple. I looked up a bunch of finger tattoos. I was stuck between a triangle with indentations that represented being creative and a Viking symbol that means "create your own reality." Even though they both meant something to me, I didn't go with either one.

Instead, I ended up choosing the Eye of Horus, specifically the right one, about 10 minutes before I got it. It was too big to get it on my finger, so I ended up getting it on my wrist. I've always pictured getting a watercolor floral tattoo instead, so I was very much open to the idea of change.

Growing up, when I was a huge fan of Adam Lambert, I found his Eye of Horus tattoo intriguing. Never would I have thought that I would get my own one day.

I silently made a promise to myself that the day I would get a tattoo would have to be around the time I was going through a spiritual transformation, and boy did I.

I could literally feel the world around me shift into a whole new perspective, which meant one thing. I was in the midst of changing, too.

Basically, the Eye is a reminder to rid yourself of toxicity and to instead surround yourself with people, places, and things that feed your happiness. Around the time, I was going through a social cleansing, where I was cutting off people that no longer helped to serve my purpose or if the thought of hanging out with them seemed more of a chore than anything.

It was time for them to go.

By getting this inked onto my wrist, it serves as a reminder that life is too short to be around negative beings. I would much rather live a life with love, surrounded by those who love and appreciate me for who I am, rather than be around those who could care less. To me, that is something to live by.

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