If you have a Snapchat, you have undoubtedly browsed through the Snapchat Discover stories to read up on the latest celebrity news from People Magazine or to watch a five minute clip about how-to make the “perfect ramen burger” from the chefs at Tastemade. These compiled stories change every 24 hours, much like the personal snapstory, and come from various sources including Cosmopolitan and CNN. Although this feature is a wealth of knowledge on almost any topic happening that particular day, the Tastemade Discover story is a must see. Get out your grocery list and get watching, you’re about to get hungry.
1. Information In Minutes
Have a few minutes to spend on your phone before your run out the door and there are no new snaps to be seen? Check out Tastemade. Each video is anywhere from a quick 30 second tutorial to a five minute how-to video starring a talented chef. Even if you run out of time to finish the story, it will remember which video you were on for next time.
2. Closed Captioning
Don’t lie, we have all checked Snapchat before we get out of bed in the morning or even occasionally before or after class. Tastemade puts its very own closed captioning at the bottom of the screen in each how-to recipe video. Not only can you watch the chef create a recipe in a matter of minutes, but now you can read what they are saying without having the volume on. Learn how to make donuts in the middle of the night without waking your neighbors… Sleep procrastinators unite!
3. The Food
The Tastemade recipes are as delicious as they are unique. Every day has a specific theme. Whether a day of French Fry inspired recipes or a day of sweet treats, the chefs of Tastemade think outside the box to introduce you to only the coolest recipes. Watching these short videos will encourage you to finally make that "giant tempura rice burger." Who knew ramen burgers were so yesterday?
4. Recipes to Screenshot
Once the videos of delicious food inspire you to get cooking in your own kitchen, you will need the recipes for each meal. Fortunately, Tastemade helped us with that as well. At the end of each how-to video, there is the recipe, complete with a list of ingredients and directions. Prompting you on the screen to screenshot the recipes, Snapchat provides you with everything you need to be your own personal chef. Genius.
5. The Chefs
The cast of Tastemade chefs bring their own style, personality and character to their recipes and videos. After watching a few videos, you will quickly learn who will bring you the best vegan recipes, the top food trends, or the chefs that bring you a humor-filled show cooking almost anything. After each video, you will find their personal Snapchat handles. Now you can fangirl follow along with them on all their Snapchat adventures.
Snapchat is one of the most popular social media apps in the world, and for good reason. Whether checking your friends’ stories or staying up-to-date on pop culture in the Discover Stories, Snapchat offers endless entertainment. Go check out the Tastemade Discover Story, get cooking and start posting. Your Snapstory (and stomach) will thank you later.