“Music is the universal language of mankind” -Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Today, I went on to Amazon to buy an aux cord for my car. While I'd been meaning to buy one for a while, I secretly felt that my lack of an aux cord saved me from having to accommodate the musical tastes of everyone who happened to get into my car. I didn't have to begrudgingly allow them to use the cord only to follow it up with: "OK, but don't play any Lady Gaga, please." Then, I started thinking about how there are definitely people in my life who think that my taste in music is less than stellar. No one's taste in music can be objectively good. "Good music" is subjective, and we should remember that next time we tell someone their taste in music makes ears bleed.
- Music is personal for everyone. When certain artists are attacked for their style of music, it can feel like youare being attacked because you happen to be a fan of that artist/style of music.
worth listening to. It connects with you on a personal level.
3. One of the great things about music is that there are so many different types: from Arctic Monkeys, to FKA twigs, to One Direction, they’re all great and if you are passionate about their music; even better.
6. We have to respect one another's tastes in music, just like we have to respect one another. It would be boring if we were all obsessed with every Fleetwood Mac song, just like it would be boring if we were all obsessed with the complete anthology of Nirvana.
Finally, my heart (and my aux cord) are open to your playlists.