So, if I’ve learned one thing this summer, it’s that breaking a bone is the absolute worse. I've also learned that breaking your knee is probably the most annoying experience to ever go through. It’s been two months since my surgery, and I’ve realized that your knee is like your elbow. It’s a bone, covered by skin, looking all weird, but is absolutely essential for your day-to-day activities. Without further ado, here are five things that are almost impossible to do with a broken knee.
1. Sitting
Yes, I said sitting. See, when you sit, your knee automatically bends to a 90-degree angle. Now, when you break your knee, you need physical therapy to get that range of motion back, meaning it takes quite some time to get back to 90 degrees, ultimately leaving you in an awkward limbo with your leg out, trying to sit comfortably, but failing to do so.
2. Sleeping
With a broken knee, sleep has now become the most annoying task in the world. Now, it may seem simple, just sleep on your back, but no. It’s not that simple. Especially, if you're used to sleeping like a curled up baby. I sleep maybe two or three hours before I wake up, knee throbbing, trying to find another comfortable position to sleep in, or hoping the painkillers kick in and knock me out first.
3. Standing
You can stand, it’s not impossible, but it’s impossible without some pain. After a while of just standing, your knee and the muscles around it begin to swell up and start looking like Monstro from "Pinnochio." It’s annoying.
4. Walking
Similar to my sitting point, when you walk, your knee needs to be able to bend at about 65 to 70 degrees and well, if your knee isn’t there, then just get used to walking like a pirate, with a giant limp, until your leg regains enough strength and your limp is gone. Might as well army crawl everywhere.
5. Showering or Bathing
Now, I have a bath chair, so my life is simple now. I just sit in the chair, bring the shower head down and shake it all about. However, if you do not have a bath chair, then bathing or showering is one of the most annoying tasks to try to accomplish. Just imagine going through six different steps to take a shower rather than the simple one-two-three, step in, turn the water on and bathe.
All in all: Just take care of your knees. Knees are essential, no matter how weird they look. You never really realize how much you need your knees until you break one, or dislocate it, or tear a muscle, and then all of a sudden you're stuck walking around with a walker while all the older people are moving faster than you.