I am sorry but this is completely wrong for you as a company to allow men into the women's bathroom. This is not something I am concerned about because I am a Christian and don't support transgenders. This "inclusive" bathroom policy is something that makes me concerned about my safety as a woman.
I am not upset that transgender people are allowed in the women's or men's bathroom. I have many gay/transgender friends that I support and yes I am a Christian. I believe just as you do, that everyone should feel like they belong. I don't think when approving this policy you meant any harm for the people of America. I do believe that as a 19-year-old female I now have to be scared to go to the bathroom.
I think when approving this policy you were only trying to make a positive change in Target as a company. I think now what you need to consider is women's safety. As a woman in today's society, I fear walking in the store alone, pumping gas by myself or even vacuuming my car out at a car wash. I fear all of these things because society today has gone from walking to school to getting taken our of your own front yard. I think Target as a retail store has been pretty safe to me. Target is a store I always felt safer in, it's smaller than Walmart but has everything that Walmart has to offer. Now, walking into Target will make me anxious because Target has now become a target for predators.
Not only are the bathrooms not safe now but you, Target as a retail store is not safe. You are standing for Inclusivity but you aren't standing up for protection against predators. We as a nation don't need protection from discrimination. What we need is protection from people who are looking to rape and kill women. This new policy allows these men to walk right into our bathroom without any form of punishment. These men are allowed to sit in the stall next to us and use the bathroom, this statement does not make me feel safe one bit.
Why is a bathroom your solution to being "equal"? What you need to think about now as a company is people's safety. Not only are we as women not safe but now these transgender people aren't safe either. Don't you think people will protest against this? This is not only going to make transgender people feel out of place but putting them in danger as well.
I believe somewhere in all of this arguing between bathroom policies there is a solution. One stall unisex bathrooms would have been a much better answer to help transgenders feel more "equal".
A 19-year-old who will no longer use your bathroom